Wednesday, May 26, 2021


 The American Democraps have assiduously decried the republiKKKan Dismissal of Objective Reality :: the so-called Failure to adhere to the Laws of Human-Kind and the Political Physics of Psychological Reckoning.  Yet it is the democraps who ABJECTLY REFUSE to even CONSIDER that the republiKKKans are in a LIFE-OR-DEATH WAR to Sterilize Democracy thereby rendering Her IMPOTENT, and that  it is the democraps who MUST Defend Her Honor with VIOLENT Confrontation.  This Failure to CORRECTLY Identify  the Enemy as The ENEMY is nothing-less than WHOLESALE Forfeiture of INTELLIGENT Observation.  Here it is where EXTREME Cowardice manifests as 
"Let's Look Beyond", (which is) their Deluded Effort to Issue  >Hope<  as GUARANTOR of Peace, Prosperity and Penance-Free Well-Fair.  

"Hello Pot---Hello Kettle"

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