Wednesday, July 14, 2021

I'm the STUD in Study


This is as far as I can go this morning.  There's an American Standard, "The Old Gray Mare / She AINT what she use to be".   Joe needs to start humming that Reality "Hit".  Folks that actually BELIEVE that joe can resort to Joe-Of-Yester-Year in order to bend IRON-CLAD Wills is nothing less than "MAGICAL THINKING".  It's ANTI-SCIENCE and GROTESQUELY Irrational despite its being adoration-ally Innocent.  We must NOT Confuse the Past with the HISTORICAL Past.  It is only through [the Study of] History that we can Navigate the Present, since it is History that Provides Orientation.  

My Obeisance to Vainglory DEMANDS I issue  >>>>  'I want to put the STUD in Study'.

Rock steady........Steady as She goes....

Terror Bull

 It's `As If`  joe's  'Theme Song'  is the Beatles' "Yesterday".  It's too bad that it ain't Dylan's, "The Answer, My Friend, Is Blowin' In the Wind".  And here I tag 'Wind' with "The Winds of CHANGE".  Living in a Perpetual Yesterday OBSTRUCTS any and ALL Vision of a Future.  Living in a Perpetual Yesterday DENIES the Proximity of Impending Reality, a Reality that is ALWAYS just `on the VERGE` of Cosmic Realization.  I proffer that Living in "Just Now" is a Kind of Mystical Experience, that Reality Itself is a CONVERGENCE of All Past and Future Time, a Convergence that somehow encapsulates the Known with the Unseen TURBULENCE of the Unknown, which we may as well tag as FEAR.  Here it is where "Fear of the Unknown" Qualifies the Future as Terror-ble.  

Here it is where the repbubliKKKans are Terror-BULLS.


Some of U are about to scream, WHY DON'T YOU JUST DECLARE BIDEN  THE CAPTAIN OF TRUMP'S TITANIC ???   That Trope would wirk, because it wirked when I applied it to donny.  Thing is, the Titanic Catastrophe is just so fucking ROMANTIC I just can't STAND it.  People with HOPE for a NEW LIFE Drowned in the Freezing Waters of Engineering Shortsightedness and Insidious Oversight NEGLECT.  I mean it this way ~~~ what if the  Mayflower had fallen Victim to Ice Berg, then what ???

At its Quintessential ESSENCE, the Titanic was Built upon Old School Engineering and Design Principles.  At HIS Core, biden is ALSO Built upon Old School Principles.  Now look was has happened. During his reign the Nation has seen 48 States succumb to Neo-Confederate Electorial Sedition.  Joe seems fucking OBLIVIOUS to the Truth of Civil War.  He maintains the Delusion of the 50's Post-Korea "American Dream".  

Joe's a Dreamer.  

`Wasted` in Wasteland

 You can See it rite ?   There is no APPARENT "Way" to extinguish the Primal Conflagration consuming MILLIONS of Acres.  If you wonder WHY the Ocean Waters are NOT being Airlifted to Use, its because the salt would Cause STERILITY, thereby rendering normal Forest Primeval to Wasteland Deadacre.  

Presently there is NO WAY to stop the Proliferation and Propagation of AmeriKKKan (Taliban) Extinction-ism.  This "IT" is IDENTICAL to the Western Conflagration.  Just because Scientists Protected Us from Covid, that DOESN'T mean Political Scientists can Protect us from Extinction-al Inundation. 

Truth Kills.

Extinction-al Inundation

The Other Day I asserted that the FAILURE in Afghanistan was IDENTICAL to the FAILURE of American Democracy.  I tagged the AmeriKKKan Neo--Confederacy as EQUAL to the Taliban.  Democracy FAILED in Afghanistan as it had FAILED in Viet Nam.  I `drew` this Parallel in Effort to afford PLAIN-AS-DAY Example.  I view Reality as Composed of COSMIC `Definitives` and label such Definitives as MESSAGES from the Divine Infinite.  Here it is where I harbor Jung's "Synchronicity" as PROVEN Paradigm, meaning, THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS 'COINCIDENCE'.  I   FULLY  Acknowledge the `Mystical` Aspect of such Creative Thinking.  But I MUST Profess Jung's Brilliance in ascribing MEANING to reflective 'Co-Incidence'.  

In the West, Primal Conflagration IS EATING AMERICA ALIVE.  So it is THE SAME EXACT with AmeriKKKan Tribal Neo-Confederate-Ism DEVOURING Democracy and democraps WHOLE and with the Primal EASE of "Great Flood" Extinction-al Inundation.  

Fire as Flood.  

"Hear no Evil, See no Evil,, Speak no Evil".

 I will be the First to signal Joe that HE MUST RESIGN the Presidency for "Conflict of Interests" and "Righteous Inability".  According to Me, Joe is living in a 'Faith Based' Delusion that is only `whispers` away from trump's "Make America Great Again".  Here it is where joe and donny SHARE Geriatric Imbecility, the Imbecility that DECRIES Existing Reality and FAVORS a Grotesque Attachment to "The Way Things WERE".  When I hear joe say, "We are AMERICANS we can do ANYTHING" I am filled with Insolent CONTEMPT.  Upon WHAT, exactly, is that DELUSIONAL Declaration based ?  Democracy ?  Did he mean, "Democracy can Do Anything" ?   I aint buyin' it, not for a nickle >>> not for a cent.  

Joe's fucking Interests were SELF-SERVING.  All he ever `wanted-to-be` was POTUS.  He has BRUTALLY mistaken his 'longevity' with COMBAT Resilience.  Joe's a TALKER  not  a FIGHTER, as are almost ALL the democraps now 'holding' Office.  Media and University Political Scientists agree >>>there is abject URGENCY to UPHOLD THE CONSTITUTION'S MANDATE to KEEP Elections Free and FAIR, Meaning, It's 'up-to' the Government to MAINTAIN and GUARANTEE Voter Safety and Election SECURITY, both of Which are being Threatened by Neo-Confederate SEDITIONISTS.

It appears that joe is UNWILLING to "Call a Spade a SPADE" ---Fearing, for some UNGODLY Reason, that the America of his Boyhood, would be ELIMINATED from History and therefore his Present would have no Foundation for VALID (Historical) Justification.  

Joe is Blind.

Dire Real


I'm so angry I could cry.  I waited, as you did, to hear what Biden had to say about Voting Suppression.  I adjusted the Day to get the mowing done before his address.  I confess,, what I WANTED  was a "Fire and Brimstone" `Conflagration from HELL` that would Ignite SERIOUS `Torches of Illumination` to be held at the feet of those democrats whose  EGO's somehow Prevent them from aligning themselves with "Truth, Justice and the American Way".  

Instead all joe was able to deliver was a 'sing-song' rendition of "The Past Should Be The Present".  

I warned you Kidz that Joe was too fucking OLD to manipulate the Intra-Political Psychological Machinery necessary to avert National Disaster.  Joe and his have been Avoiding DIRECT COMBATIVE CONFRONTATION, in the `Public Theater` for Reasons that only Cowardice can Explain.

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Lagorious Buffoonery

 I KNOW myy Internal (Imaginary) Hardship manifests as Fury and Sorrow.  The Fury itself has Bitterness and Resentment as unruly Components and it doesn't help that I'm TEMPER-Mental and morosely (covetously) Moody as well.  My Guy and Legendary Sax-Man Wayne Shorter once described Humor as being SERIOUS.  I LOVE that >> "Serious Humor" as he put it.  My Gal and Hero Joan Rivers once responded to a Heckler with, "Get over it (asshole)  Humor is how we Deal with Pain."  

Death has repressed myy ability to Humorfy.  It has produced a near paralytic Coma-Osity that itself manifests as lagorious buffoonery.  Funny shit just AINT fucking funny because of Death's Proximity.

My apartment Mate Phlip Demers use-ta adminsiter a Hippie Adage of Consolation ::  [When things are TOTALLY Fucked uP you GOTTA] "Keep the Faith".

I extend this to ALL my Gentle Readers  >>  Keep the Faith  << .

Rock Steady........Steady as She goes....

Des Ire

The other morning I awoke to a Dream in which I was at a new home that had been ravished by Incompetency and Material Flaws.  I was SUPPOSE-TA be one of the Fixers, a One that was CAPABLE of effecting repairs of a Classical Carpentry [Cabinet/Furniture-Maker] Nature DESPITE the FACT that I have only Journey-men Skills.  When I looked out over the Expanse I saw MANY Homes that needed to be landscaped, i.e., loam had to be added to complete the Building.  I Knew in an Instant what my Un- Conscious was `getting at`.  These new Homes needed `Back-ground`, where 'Homes' are Individuals and 'Background' is Context.  There were many times when my father left me with the International C-500 Crawler Loader and the Chevy C 60 Dump and the words, "Do what you can, I'll be back in an hour."  I KNOW how to Loam and Back-fill, that ain't the Problem, like, AT ALL.  The Problem is DESIRE.  I DON'T want that Desire to be Shame and Guilt Based, I WANT to come by Desire HONESTLY.  

Yet ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I struggle and I Struggle Greatly.

Exasperational Despondency

  I never really TRY to remind myself that I'm the SMARTEST 5 Year Old this Planet has EVER Produced.  Prodigy Genius can get you only So Far ~~~ what's worse, when I try and Summon his Genius to get Answers to Spurious Questions, he H( )DES, which makes me Question his Authority to begin with.  What's WORSER is How many folks are gonna capital T Trust a 5 year old ANYWAY ?  At his BEST he's reductively SARDONIC and THAT AGGRAVATES me into exasperational Despondency, of the WORST Kind, the Kind that transforms Perception of Reality into an LSD Phantasm of  unmitigated Suspicion.  I can't `Trust` 'Trust' >>>  Trust mee on THAT.  My 5 year old puts RUST into Trust.  It don't get no more CORROSIVE.  He thinks he's Funny.


 I have Everything `Figured-Out`.  And when I type 'Everything' I mean EVERY-THING.  The Difficulty is ~~~ when I go to send it up onto this Screen it all reads as wild-born nonsensical GIBBERISH, the hard-core Intellectual PORNOGRAPHY of a Sense and Sensation Based RADICAL Sexology that resides in "You're either Fucking" or "You're gettin FUCKED".  Shit ---------exactly how far does THAT get you?  Not Far, trust me.  Here I am ~~wanting to Save The World one Word, one Sentence at a time and all that results is a Fear-Driven Mania >> the [Un]Well-Spring of Categorical Insanity.  I KNOW I harbor a somewhat PERNICIOUS Desire to receive a dire-warned Forgiveness BECAUSE I'm old and INSANE, but if EVERYBODY is ALSO Insane THAT reduces me to nothing more than mere Cliche.  It's Yossarian in Catch-22  ----  You CAN'T Claim Insanity if THE WORLD IS INSANE.  That's "Catch 22".

As Doc Daneeka bounces,  "That's some Catch".

The OWWW in Out

 I never though I'd be here--alive that is.  Now that I AM Here I Feel As If I OWE at least a qualified SOMETHING to Humankind that would Express myy, for lack of anything better, Gratitude.  But Gratitude doesn't `cut it`.  I have Doubts, Misgivings and a prolonged Sense of Whatthefuck that prohibits any RATIONAL Apology of Abject Surrender and Judicious Forbearance.  Ancient Bible-Ists considered 'leaving behind' a Testament as the DUTY of a God-Fearing Man ~~~ as if THIS would be some sort of TAX on Existence itself as though just reg-lar Suffering wouldn't be considered ENOUGH.  No and FUCK NO, `it` aint Enough, not even CLOSE to Enough-----------I'm lookin' at a Contribution that Contributes an [Evolutionary] ADVANCEMENT of Civilization ~~~  A One that not only AIDS Others on the Path of Spiritual Fulfillment but Provides Matter-Of Fact PENETRATION into the Causes and Results of Reality------a Reality that I have signaled as Karma Driven.  

I have It in meee, THAT aint the Problem ~~~~~~~~~~~~the Problem iz  getting it OUT.


 I awoke into an old Dave Mason Song.  "I'm takin' the time / To find some new roads / Into my mind"  His Background Celestial Chorus affirms, "Take It, Go on and Take It".  The Song is off "Let It Flow" a 1977 Release out of Columbia and CBS Records Inc.  I Love this Album (turned CD).

I haven't moved any Rock in a looooooooong time.  It's wearing on me and I DON'T `wear it` well.  I've allowed myself a Misery-Born-of-Helplessness, It's a brooding Misery --- a combination of self-loathing and [Core] volcanic Seethe.  The Thing about Moving Rock is that you can SEE the Results of Intensive Effort--whereas with the Written Word you MAY get Numbers that reflect Reader Interest or you may  NOT--which produces and ampLIFIES Feelings of Insignificance and/or Disinterest.  For whatever Reasons I have Ambition to Present MYYY Version of Reality, myy suppose-ed Contribution to Cultural Society which may or may NOT Reach Civilizational Quality.  

And then there's the Fear....................