Friday, April 26, 2019

Train to Perdition

I'm hungry---I gotta eat.

Trump's rash, that he was gonna "bring in" "only the BEST people", was GENIUS---it left open the opportunity for folks to commend his "We all need help" folk-lore-ic Sensibility. 

Unfortunately there is a "ME" in America.  Worse-- there is an "I" as well.

When politicians claim to know how to Unify A ME r I ca I hesitate to be enthusiastic.  We ain't NEVAH gonna be "Unified" at this juncture in Evolution simply bc we cannot agree on the Ultimate Destination.

Woody Allen and Dave Gallogly remind us :::

                         "Forever is a long time~~~~~~~~~especially toward the end."

Rock steady........steady as She goes....

Eternalizing "Forever"

The "Thing" about both trump and Biden is that they have the SAME Message--- .  Trump boasts, "Only I can save America" while Biden bids, "Only I can stop trump".

You can  see it rite ?    "It" is an  "Only I" that is a manifestly grotesque Ego Mania that attempts to Eternalize "Forever" by scribing the Future as The PAST.   "It" makes no sense, how CAN it ? 

The "Only" "Thing" Biden can do is step on the brakes and I mean STAND on them with all his "Might".  But here's the deal with THAT :::  Steel SLIDES on Steel, trump's train will continue down the tracks, only now with OUT OF CONTROL lethality, the Lethality that recognizes the Ultimate Destination as DEATH, trump will do any and EVERYTHING to get as far as possible.  We've all seen that Movie, "It don't end nice".

STANDIN' ON THE BRAKES aint' gonna be no good.  Biden as Brakeman is from his onset Failure Laden.

We need someone to wrest control of the Train and Someone to SWITCH the tracks. Eternity expired...

It is as if my Present IS the Past  and as such a Living Hell of Black Hole-ism, the one
where the Conditions of The Past force upon you Gravity enhanced Vacuum, a one that sucks the Life out of an already forlorn Present and leaves behind what little motes of Optimism that even Hope can't retain as precautionary Valor.   My Unconscious has "sent" me dreams, nightmares actually, in order to confront this Past so that my Future can Pre-Exist as an attainable Tomorrow. 

Hear this :::  I am incapable of those Efforts that defined my Past, yet I believe, I WANT to Believe, They DO exist as Present Day Weapons and Tools that I can use to defend myself and build my Future~~~problem is, do they REALLY Exist or are they mere Fantasy, the comic and Cosmic result of Age Degeneration ?   I fear I know the answer, I fear that Answer.

When I look at Joe Biden all I can see is an Old Man hell-spent upon Reclaiming a Personal Glory that MAYBE exists in ANOTHER Universe.   He too rants a RETURN to "The Greatness That Was Babylon" a Past in which Human Decency and Respect For Others DOMINATED a Culture and Civilization that proscribed Patriotic Love of America as THE Defining Characteristic of American Democracy. 

If Babylon was so fucking GREAT where is it NOW ?????? !

"...a light load, and a fast horse..."

I MAY not even be here this morning if it hadn't been for X-Vice President Joe Biden, and his declaration of Presidential Candidacy. 

It's as if ALL the -Each and Every's- of Time Ordered Delivery have coalesced around a Point of Contusion, that of Age Degeneration.  I fear it in me, I fear it in Others less skilled in meditative introspection.  "Regular" Joe doesn't just have "baggage" he has a goddamn FREIGHT TRAIN of freight cars LADEN with his "Evolution"---when he comes into a town he needs the ENTIRE Freight Yard BEFORE he can disembark and approach the Township.  In the Freight Industry there is a Rock Solid, it is ::::  "A light load and a fast horse."  Joe has neither.

Where trump travels at The Speed of Fright .   Uncle Joe rolls on with Coal-fired, Steam Engine Locomotion. 

You can see, feel and hear The Problem.

...naked and insane...

"His hands are torn and bloody /  From the scratching of his Soul"  ::: this is what follows, "Struggling with Confusion /  Disillusionment too" ---the beginning stanza of "STRANGER TO HIMSELF"--- a Steve Winwood Classic, the First Cut on Side II of Traffic's Masterpiece :::  "John Barleycorn Must Die". 

When this song first surfaced, I wondered about the "why" of it.  I thought I had no need to torture my own Soul, figuring, I'd resolved the Major and MINOR blasphemes that contort Reality and make it a phantasmagoric debacle of "if" and "I should have".  I want to believe, check that, I MUST believe that Karma is controllable, meaning, if Psychic Advance is to be attained, CONFRONTATION is the ONLY means of Aggression that sympathizes Horror and Euphoria.  Steve Miller and Others aggress,
"You gotta go thru Hell, in order to get to Heaven".  You can have "No Problem" with THAT, until you approach Hell, naked and insane---THEN, not only are you weaponless but FEAR turns your arms to lead, and your legs to concrete. 

Trust me Kidz ---it's hard to Fight when you're in Full Training and Totally Prepared---.    Let me remind you  Ambush is AGONY--- compound THAT with self-inflicted reactionary blindness, that of Holy FUCK, WHY is this happening to ME ???

The World in which we live DEMANDS Unremitting Vigilance, but when you think you ARE generating such "All Along The Watch Tower" Scrutiny, it's inconceivable that Karma should permeate what you TRUST to be Impenetrable. 

Dream Fever

It feels as if I haven't slept in months ---each morning I awaken into a fatigue that resembles the post "workout" of masonry exertion and stone wall building in general.  EVERTHING, every bone, every muscle, every tendon, each and every sinew, all the way down to the molecular level,, has generated a chronic "Funk" that obscures Reality and inhibits the very Humor that can effect substantive Resolve. 

Where Music FEEDS one's Soul Humor HEALS it. 

I told all you Kidz I have Demons--- .  These Demons trespass into my my Dream State where there are no boundaries, no walls,, no fortifications,,, and ravage my Peace. 

This morning  I awakened from one of those e-x-t--e---n----d-----e------d Dream Epics~
my heart POUNDING, my blood pressure SEARING my Hearing, my t-shirt saturated from combat sweat.  The Dream VIVID, each Assailant BIGGER than the Last, all succumbed by Empty Hand and some ravaging-ly modest Jujitsu.  ...but the cost, the Price-To-Pay for such combat theater, is debilitating.  It makes we want to forgo ANY recording, ANY Writing and ALL typing, the ALL that can provide at least some recompense, SOME Relief from the Torture of Past Transgressions, those of Hatred, Anger, Bitterness and Remorse, NOT those I register in Common Discourse of the Street and Gutter Dialect, but of those INNER Violations, Those that Humiliate my own abject Modesty, what little I possess.

I can go no further...I will try to explain ..... .

Monday, April 15, 2019

Eve's Rib

I must be certain to drop a slab of concrete on your heads.  Talib and Omar ARE "more blond than you or I " ~~~  their Devotion to AMERICAN Ideals is EXACTLY what American NEEDS to restart, re-fire, re-kindle ANCIENT American Values, Those that breathed LIFE into an Infant Republic. 

It is absolutely IMPERATIVE to understand that Evolution has advanced Women into Political Ascendancy, CHANGE forthcoming. 

Instead of Chastisement and silent Admonition the democrats should ECHO the voices of Change and Advancement.  Indeed, the Utmost PROTECTION should be awarded to These AMERICAN Muslims, who, as TRUE PATRIOTS,  seek to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.

PRAISE, not condemnation, should be the Order of the Day, as these AMERICAN Women address the Political Diseases that Plague and Scourge Humankind.

Rock steady........steady as They go....

"...more blond than you or i..."

The title is the last line of an E.E. Cummings' Poem whose title I can't recall.  Cummings was Somewhere doing Something when one of his friends "of Color" was being victimized by "White" "Americans".  Some bullshit expired, apparently Cummings came to the Defense of his "Brother", but that didn't end it ~~~  Poetry and Poets don't "work that way"~~~ it wasn't over, it COULDN'T be over, until Cummings concretized the "Incident" in Words. 

In the Poem Cummings compared the Essences of Those Involved.  Here, Racism, Bigotry and HATRED, There Kindness, Compassion and Generosity.  It wasn't JUST "about" Friendship, Cummings went to Profundity to identify TRUE American Values, Those of Highest Order Humanity.  It's the HOW of "it" that makes this Poem.

This "Thing" about "being American"--All the WHITENESS--- the Blond Hair Blue Eyes pseudo-Superiority contained the DARKNESS of Evidentiary EVIL, while his Friend "Of Color" exhibited the Light of Star Illumination, the Essence of Divinity generated by Caring, Compassion and GIVING. 

I've often quoted Claude Brown's "paddy boy" incident :::  "this was no color thing, no nigger thing, this cat was beautiful and THAT'S all that mattered."

So it was that E.E. said the same thing :::  [This Cat] was ..."more blond than you or I"...

The Rule of Cruel

Women were elected because they voiced the Abject Necessity for CHANGE.  They were elected because they PROMISED unremitting DEVOTION to solve the problems of Status Quo Inertia, and in THAT "Process" to address the Ills of a Nation, a Nation that has become Disease-Ridden with Corruption, Ego Mania, and the Rule of Cruelty. 

"Never send a man to do a Woman's Job."

I write today because American democrats, "rats" as I like to tag, have steadfastly REFUSED to support OUR Muslim Women with OPEN Solidarity.  Instead of HAMMERING republican BLASPHEME, the "Old Ones" sit quietly in haughty overbearance, committing support TO republican Outrage as Condemnation.  THIS is why I despise nancy pelosi and all the Rest who are mere Status Quo clones. 

New Age Muslim Ninjas please allow me to give you Today's Conclusion as the Opening of this series. 

Some Time Ago, way back about 57 Eternities distant, I harbingered :::  As Women go, so goes Africa.  I was referring to Muslim Women.  Rite NOW that assertion seems short-sighted, perhaps it should have been, As Women go, so goes the PLANET. 

American "Right" view the election of Talib and Omar as CATACLYSM === they MAY be "Right".  Evolution provides 3 Possibilities :::  Change by Agonizing "Slowness", Change by Cataclysm and the 3rd, Change by Cosmic Mutation.
Just so you know, My Guy and HERO Charles Darwin was a "Slow-but Sure" "Survival of the Fittest"-ist ;;  while my Hero, Immanuel Velikovsky, [Worlds In Collision] is a Cataclysmacist.  Modern Biologists account for Mutationalism, the facts that Cosmic Radiation accounts for Mutation Genetic "anomalies", new Species resulting.

So it is in this particular Here & Now a NEW "Species" of Female Representative has reached American Civilizational Recognition.  This DOESN'T make America "avant-garde", rather, it makes America PATHETIC, since the Rest of the World has ALREADY "Recognized" Female Ascendancy as INFINITELY "Correct".

...and Mayflowers bring Muslims...

I can write today --- it's pouring and there's thunder ::  "the Growing Spirits are returning to the fields" as the Ancient Chinese would have it.  The brain shredding Microwave Sirens remain, but today, for some Unknown, they are bearable. 

Here in America, fully Elected Muslim Women are under a "Crusades" attack by WHITE Racists, Bigots, Conservative evangelicals, the Red Neck Gun Army and the Lunatic Fringe ;;  ALL intent upon driving America into the Past, the One of SLAVERY and Ante-Bellum Capitalism, the One of Human Beasts of Burden, and the Demise of Paradise Found. 

Rashida Talib and What's-her-name Omar are being attacked as Anti-American, a HIDEOUS Denial of the Very Reason of Puritan Migration, Freedom of Religion, the Very BEDROCK of American Democracy.  White DENOUNCIATION of AMERICAN MUSLIM CITIZENS is not only a raging BETRAYAL of American Democracy it is Political BLASPHEME. 

Friday, April 5, 2019

Just say NOW

I must leave this here for now --- my ribs ache and I've been up since 2 a.m.

Sacrifice is the Essence of Discipline, at least that's how I see it.

When it comes time to decide whether to "take it to the streets" or remain in the cozy security of "Let someone ELSE endure the Cold" it may be best to turn to Those Words that will help you become a TRUE American Citizen.

Uncle Henry WANTS YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rock steady........steady as He goes....

Speare Fear

The scene unfolds at night, in a torrential downpour.  DeVito is in bed but roused by the tumult of troops assembling.  He wonders WTF, dons a raincoat and heads out.  He sees his students in drenched formation.  He approaches calling "What's going on?"

In the distance there is only the faintest sound of thunder ---DeVito waits in saturation for a response. 

Now what he hears ex-PLODES with Nuclear BLAST.

It brought me to tears as you have read ---

It's Shakespeare, from "Henry V".

                                "Once more unto the breach, dear friends,
                                           once more,
                                   Or close the wall with our English dead.
                                   In Peace there's nothing so becomes a man,
                                           As modest stillness and humility.
                                    But when the blast of war blows in our ears
                                            Then imitate the action of the tiger,
                                    Stiffen the sinews, summon the blood,
                                     Disguise fair nature with hard-favored rage.
                                    Then lend the eye a terrible aspect,
                                     Let it pry through the portage of the head
                                    Like a brass cannon.  Let the brow o'erwhelm it
                                    As fearfully as doth a galled rock..."


My Girl Penny Marshall directs Danny DeVito in a Comedy titled, "The Renaissance Man".  Danny portrays an out of work Advertising Executive who hires on as an English Lit Instructor for the Army, not JUST as a Teacher, but as a Teacher to The Misbegotten, those that never succeeded at School for one reason or several thousand others. 

Shit of this Genre is almost always "Pygmalion" in spirit.  Life is bestowed upon marble or rock, the Symbolism of Intelligence being bestowed upon the vitally Stupid.  In this Film, DeVito is the Sculptor Pygmalion, his students the Rock and Marble Statues of Ignorance and Psychological Deformity. 

The motif is one of Heroic Struggle, The Knowing trying to inflict Knowledge upon the Who Gives a Flying Shit Ters ---ho hum in its So What-ed Ness, but the denouement is one that brought me to tears, believe it or not.

DeVito graduates the Privates, they are received and not banished into Infantry First Class Status but DeVito remains uncertain whether or not he DID ignite ANY Fire of Understanding.

He didn't know if he had "succeeded".

"Once more unto the breach..."

I wonder about my ability to stay inside Inner Resolve, to stay the execution of Ego by granting myself the leniency of Self-dom.  I struggle with Ability, of that I have plenty, but Talent -------  "Aye, there's the rub."

One of the Gallogly's Mysticals enjoins, "All the 'moves' but no Talent" and again, "All the Talent but no 'moves' ".  It's a reference to ice hockey, guys that play with questionality.  They skate and stick-handle, but without strategy and tactics.  Sometimes I join them but with keyboard and screen.

I urge you Kidz to read my twitter this morning.  I sought to PRAISE the Protesters for CONDEMNING the Delay of the Release of Mueller's Report.  Action doesn't just speak LOUDER than Words, it ex-PLODES as a Nuclear DETONATION calling attention to Governmental NEGLECT "Cover-up" resulting. 

I wonder HOW I can bring Praise to Exhortation --to Exhort you Truth Seeking SOLDIERS to the Sacrificial Banality of Ritual Protest.  In my Time, the earliest of the 70's, there were ROUTINE Anti-War Protests EVERY WEEKEND.  Indeed, Anti-War Tables, manned by PASSIONATE Student Patriots, were evident EVERY DAY in the Student Union.  We believed in our Power of Voice.

In those days we were TIRELESSLY Un-Relenting.

I want to see that again .


The POWER of trump, putinist trumpism and Corruptionism in general is of Primal Order, meaning, FEAR is THE Force that governs, [DICTATES] Political Movement.  Trump stands as DICTATOR because of his innate Ability to harness Fear as Raw Cruelty, the one that induces an almost hypnotic if not flat out hallucinogenic Paranoia.  Trump has told his Condemned, "Don't believe what you see, don't believe what you read."  "All news that you receive is FAKE".  This is truly Diabolical Sorcery, trump is no mere Witch, he has MASTERED the so-called "Dark Arts". 

The Same is true of Putin, who reigns by using an almost Jehovah Witness Immediacy. Not only is - "The End Is Near", - it is - "Western Nazi-ism is at our Borders TODAY" !!

Fear cripples. 

When President What's-his-name tried to soothe,
"We have nothing to fear but Fear itself" I don't know if he was successful.  ALL of us KNOW the Power of Fear.  Indeed, I FEAR Fear. 

It is written in Mahayana Dogma  :

"The Bodhisattva depends on Prajna Paramita
  And His mind is no hindrance
  Without hindrances
  No fears [can] exist."

"Would that it t'were so simple."

Con Science

I would be woefully negligent if I simply stated that ALL of us have trump's mind, in a very EVOLUTIONARY sense, the Sense that Man is an ANIMAL First and Civilized second, and I did not present the Balance, the Opposite of the Unconscious, the Conscious and its Moral Rationality, Conscience.   Elsewhere I have argued that we NEED our Instinctual Animality as Primal Protection, which is manifested in our minds and bodies as "Flight or Fight".  It may be said the Fear powers Fight in the exact same way that Fear powers Flight.  Evolution has "given" Humankind Instinctual Rationality to suppress unrelenting Flight from all Threats to our Existence.  The Intellectual Ability to neutralize Fear is still "under" a Scientific Cloak of "When and How"--- that is to ask, When did Humans attain Consciousness by "leaving" the "Participation mystique" of Animalistic UNION with the "Divinity" of Existence Itself ?

This Question has been addressed by Great Others, and their answers help to mitigate the Fears that the "Universe is lazy", if only briefly.  Clearly, At Some Point, Man "became Aware".  At Some Point, Realization that Actions produce Consequences, was experienced.  This Awareness was Primal Thinking, "Smartness", a way to avoid capture by concealment.  You didn't have to run to exhaustion and be snared by a Stronger, you could THINK your way out of pursuit. 

Hello Primal Intelligence .

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

...apples and origins...

Yesterday trump tried to use "oranges" as "origins", not once, not twi ce, but Th re e times, in an abject deliberation of Geriatric Senility Stroke Infestation Resulting.  He couldn't get to "origin" only "oranges" and instead of just STOPPING to make a "funny",  he rambled on in rumpled disarray.  The guy has SERIOUS brain damage.

He isn't just INCOMPETENT, he is a DANGER to National Security, OUR Security, because instead of PROTECTING Us from Soviet Invasion and Domestic Predation he actually CHAMPIONS those Same with Grotesque Cruelty, FEAR resulting.  In this, trump is a TRAITOR to American Democracy and the Democracies of the World who once used AMERICAN Democracy as Universal Symbol of Freedom, Equality and Justice.

There is one Sacred that has been steadfastly VIOLATED by the Ruling Elites and nearly forgotten by Average Joes and Common Mary Jane 's.. It is = =

"An ounce of Prevention is worth a POUND of Cure".

What is applicable to Universal Medical Coverage can and MUST be applied to Common Sense Politics.

With that I take my leave.

Rock steady........steady as She goes....

...all brawn and all brain...

Mere words cannot neutralize Desperation.   What CAN neutralize Desperation are PHYSICAL "alleviates" ==  those of Food, Clothing, Shelter, Heat, Hot Water and Electricity, and not just in a "One Time Covers All" quilt of Guilt-Ridden Sufferance.  "It" MUST be a continued, an ONGOING output of Political Common Sense that identifies Compassion as Political Expediency. 

Here it is that "Common Sense" entails Common DECENCY, a Decency that is NOT found in trumpian Causticity.  Above All Else, Human Decency should be premiered as FIRST Vow of EVERY Candidate aspiring to Presidential Bold. 

Presently, each Candidate is espousing a "Right Screw" as THE Fastener that will "Hold Together" the Structure that is obsequiously rusted out and busted up.   It's LITERALLY, one Screw Job after another, as candidates dink and toil over JUST ONE PIECE of American Tin Sin, while Heli-Arc WELDING and STEEL Plates are needed to restore erstwhile Functionality. 

It's a BIG Job that AINT for small brains.

Desperation ---Weaponized

I MUST remind everybody that TRUMP LOST THE ELECTION BY ALMOST THREE MILLION VOTES.  The rats DID "defeat" trump and it's only by the Bizarre of the Electoral College that trump entered The Land of Promises Broken.  Had it not been for a "Scant Few", some 70,000 Workers, trump would have been relegated to the Waste Land, where he and his could Rule with Cruel. 

The "Thing" about these Workers is just ONE "Thing"---they voted for Trump BECAUSE HE SPOKE THEIR LANGUAGE ---the Language of Kitchen Table Economics, the dialect of Street and Gutter, a Vernacular that emphasized "JOBS, JOBS, JOBS".  I NEED to focus in on this one aspect, "He spoke their Language".  They HEARD themselves in his speech, and dialectical expressions.  He didn't "talk" with ANY "condescension".  He spoke AT THEIR "Level" which made him APPEAR as "Level Headed".  He seemed to have the Common Sense approach to "Make America Great Again" by telling them he and he alone could return THEIR jobs to THEM.  Brilliant shit, fucking BRILLIANT shit.

They believed because they WANTED TO IGNORE Reality.  There was NO TRUTH in what the rats peen-balled as Globalization, the FACT that their fucking jobs WOULD NEVER BE RETURNED.  Trump re-turned the American Dream  "A chicken in every pot, a Model A in every driveway". 

Trump weaponized Desperation.

Public Enemy # 1

We wanna think, nay, we want to BELIEVE, that Intelligence, in the forms of Logic, Sound Reasoning, an Higher Order Rationality, can contain, and negate the Purity of Irrationality, Sensation and Instinctual Autism, an Autism of  "Nothing except ME".  I mean, how good would that be ?  Truth is, animals are INCAPABLE of Reasoning AT ANY LEVEL, Here lies the Truth of trump's Dis-cognition.  Trump doesn't  just "resort" to Pathos, Pathos is ALL HE KNOWS.  Facts are his ENEMY !  Thus it is IMPOSSIBLE to combat trump with Common Sense, Sound Reasoning and Higher Order Rationality.

He is literally IMPERVIOUS to such "attacks", the resolute BENEFIT of Primal Instinct Shielding. 

The question then arises, "How,  EXACTLY, is trump to be defeated ?"

The democrats, rats for short, have resigned themselves to "Let's adhere to the TRUTHS of American Democracy", to the extent that their "Loyalty" to American Democracy does NOT "allow" for ANY trumpian slander, trumpian outrage nor trumpian defilements. 

They can't go "toe to toe" against him, so what remains ?


Trump isn't alone.  He generals an Army of those devoid of Human Compassion, a Dis-Humanity of Human-in-Form-ONLY, those republicans, conservatives, Christ crucifying evangelicals, those of Redneck Ignorance and let us not forget the Immoral Minority, those of the Lunatic Fringe responsible for betraying Democracy by advancing Criminal Corruption as Psycho-Pathetic Convulsionism, Convulsionism being the primal reflexive AGAINST Civilizational Self-Centrism, the one that promotes Universal Egalitarianism. 

Read carefully, please.   If "All Men are created EQUAL" than it is mandatory Logical Assertion that each and every one of us Individuals MUST have the IDENTICAL Genetic "components" that MUST identify us as "Equal".  That MEANS that Trump's Mind MUST be OUR Mind as well.  Here it is that Primitive Instinctuality, the one that courses, "Eat or be eaten", rampages as Bloodlust Fear, the one I have mentioned above.  Trump is a diabolical GENIUS, a Genius that issues Statements of Terror in order to suppress Common Sense and collapse Sound Reasoning.  We speak of Blind Fury, which IS the Bloodlust of Hatred and by its very Nature, seeks an outlet, a vent,
for the Expression of Fear.  Trump's charisma, CLOAKS the Intelligence of Evolutionary Disposition, meaning, trump elevates Primality, the one where Others represent THREAT to survival and well-being, which is nothing more than PARANOIA, a Paranoia he can weaponize, which he HAS weaponized, leaving an entire Nation at the MERCY of his Derangement.

Don Want

It's hard to get started.  I had an intention of continuing a descriptive explanation of American Degeneracy using the "Body Politic" as metaphor.  Here, "high blood pressure" registers as pronounced (elevated) Hatred, Rage and Bigotry, the ones that generate almost a genocidal acceptance of Immigrant Brutality, evidenced on the American Southern Border. 

I write that it's hard to begin because claiming that trump is the "Face and MIND of America is dependent upon Sun Tzu's Art of War in which he depicts the General of an Army as Mind and his Army as his Body == which equals One Mind, One Body -- definitely a "tough sell", philosophically speaking. 

There is no way I can be true to myself if I DON'T manifest Jungian Analytical Psychology in the scrutiny of America's Mind.  Here it is that trump "represents" the most horrid and HEINOUS "aspects" of Primal Instinctuality, the One of Savagery, Cold-bloodedness and sub-Human Cruelty that generates the Most Grotesque of Bloodlust FEAR.  I have argued, Hatred is none-other than rampaging Fear.  In this trump is BARELY an ANIMAL, and as Such, he knows only Genetically Conditioned Predation, the one where his survival is predicated on the deaths of the Sick, the Weak and the Aged. 

Trump is a "Natural born KILLER".