Friday, April 5, 2019

"Once more unto the breach..."

I wonder about my ability to stay inside Inner Resolve, to stay the execution of Ego by granting myself the leniency of Self-dom.  I struggle with Ability, of that I have plenty, but Talent -------  "Aye, there's the rub."

One of the Gallogly's Mysticals enjoins, "All the 'moves' but no Talent" and again, "All the Talent but no 'moves' ".  It's a reference to ice hockey, guys that play with questionality.  They skate and stick-handle, but without strategy and tactics.  Sometimes I join them but with keyboard and screen.

I urge you Kidz to read my twitter this morning.  I sought to PRAISE the Protesters for CONDEMNING the Delay of the Release of Mueller's Report.  Action doesn't just speak LOUDER than Words, it ex-PLODES as a Nuclear DETONATION calling attention to Governmental NEGLECT "Cover-up" resulting. 

I wonder HOW I can bring Praise to Exhortation --to Exhort you Truth Seeking SOLDIERS to the Sacrificial Banality of Ritual Protest.  In my Time, the earliest of the 70's, there were ROUTINE Anti-War Protests EVERY WEEKEND.  Indeed, Anti-War Tables, manned by PASSIONATE Student Patriots, were evident EVERY DAY in the Student Union.  We believed in our Power of Voice.

In those days we were TIRELESSLY Un-Relenting.

I want to see that again .

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