Wednesday, April 3, 2019


Trump isn't alone.  He generals an Army of those devoid of Human Compassion, a Dis-Humanity of Human-in-Form-ONLY, those republicans, conservatives, Christ crucifying evangelicals, those of Redneck Ignorance and let us not forget the Immoral Minority, those of the Lunatic Fringe responsible for betraying Democracy by advancing Criminal Corruption as Psycho-Pathetic Convulsionism, Convulsionism being the primal reflexive AGAINST Civilizational Self-Centrism, the one that promotes Universal Egalitarianism. 

Read carefully, please.   If "All Men are created EQUAL" than it is mandatory Logical Assertion that each and every one of us Individuals MUST have the IDENTICAL Genetic "components" that MUST identify us as "Equal".  That MEANS that Trump's Mind MUST be OUR Mind as well.  Here it is that Primitive Instinctuality, the one that courses, "Eat or be eaten", rampages as Bloodlust Fear, the one I have mentioned above.  Trump is a diabolical GENIUS, a Genius that issues Statements of Terror in order to suppress Common Sense and collapse Sound Reasoning.  We speak of Blind Fury, which IS the Bloodlust of Hatred and by its very Nature, seeks an outlet, a vent,
for the Expression of Fear.  Trump's charisma, CLOAKS the Intelligence of Evolutionary Disposition, meaning, trump elevates Primality, the one where Others represent THREAT to survival and well-being, which is nothing more than PARANOIA, a Paranoia he can weaponize, which he HAS weaponized, leaving an entire Nation at the MERCY of his Derangement.

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