Friday, April 26, 2019

"...a light load, and a fast horse..."

I MAY not even be here this morning if it hadn't been for X-Vice President Joe Biden, and his declaration of Presidential Candidacy. 

It's as if ALL the -Each and Every's- of Time Ordered Delivery have coalesced around a Point of Contusion, that of Age Degeneration.  I fear it in me, I fear it in Others less skilled in meditative introspection.  "Regular" Joe doesn't just have "baggage" he has a goddamn FREIGHT TRAIN of freight cars LADEN with his "Evolution"---when he comes into a town he needs the ENTIRE Freight Yard BEFORE he can disembark and approach the Township.  In the Freight Industry there is a Rock Solid, it is ::::  "A light load and a fast horse."  Joe has neither.

Where trump travels at The Speed of Fright .   Uncle Joe rolls on with Coal-fired, Steam Engine Locomotion. 

You can see, feel and hear The Problem.

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