It is as if my Present IS the Past and as such a Living Hell of Black Hole-ism, the one
where the Conditions of The Past force upon you Gravity enhanced Vacuum, a one that sucks the Life out of an already forlorn Present and leaves behind what little motes of Optimism that even Hope can't retain as precautionary Valor. My Unconscious has "sent" me dreams, nightmares actually, in order to confront this Past so that my Future can Pre-Exist as an attainable Tomorrow.
Hear this ::: I am incapable of those Efforts that defined my Past, yet I believe, I WANT to Believe, They DO exist as Present Day Weapons and Tools that I can use to defend myself and build my Future~~~problem is, do they REALLY Exist or are they mere Fantasy, the comic and Cosmic result of Age Degeneration ? I fear I know the answer, I fear that Answer.
When I look at Joe Biden all I can see is an Old Man hell-spent upon Reclaiming a Personal Glory that MAYBE exists in ANOTHER Universe. He too rants a RETURN to "The Greatness That Was Babylon" a Past in which Human Decency and Respect For Others DOMINATED a Culture and Civilization that proscribed Patriotic Love of America as THE Defining Characteristic of American Democracy.
If Babylon was so fucking GREAT where is it NOW ?????? !
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