Monday, April 15, 2019

...and Mayflowers bring Muslims...

I can write today --- it's pouring and there's thunder ::  "the Growing Spirits are returning to the fields" as the Ancient Chinese would have it.  The brain shredding Microwave Sirens remain, but today, for some Unknown, they are bearable. 

Here in America, fully Elected Muslim Women are under a "Crusades" attack by WHITE Racists, Bigots, Conservative evangelicals, the Red Neck Gun Army and the Lunatic Fringe ;;  ALL intent upon driving America into the Past, the One of SLAVERY and Ante-Bellum Capitalism, the One of Human Beasts of Burden, and the Demise of Paradise Found. 

Rashida Talib and What's-her-name Omar are being attacked as Anti-American, a HIDEOUS Denial of the Very Reason of Puritan Migration, Freedom of Religion, the Very BEDROCK of American Democracy.  White DENOUNCIATION of AMERICAN MUSLIM CITIZENS is not only a raging BETRAYAL of American Democracy it is Political BLASPHEME. 

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