Wednesday, April 3, 2019

...apples and origins...

Yesterday trump tried to use "oranges" as "origins", not once, not twi ce, but Th re e times, in an abject deliberation of Geriatric Senility Stroke Infestation Resulting.  He couldn't get to "origin" only "oranges" and instead of just STOPPING to make a "funny",  he rambled on in rumpled disarray.  The guy has SERIOUS brain damage.

He isn't just INCOMPETENT, he is a DANGER to National Security, OUR Security, because instead of PROTECTING Us from Soviet Invasion and Domestic Predation he actually CHAMPIONS those Same with Grotesque Cruelty, FEAR resulting.  In this, trump is a TRAITOR to American Democracy and the Democracies of the World who once used AMERICAN Democracy as Universal Symbol of Freedom, Equality and Justice.

There is one Sacred that has been steadfastly VIOLATED by the Ruling Elites and nearly forgotten by Average Joes and Common Mary Jane 's.. It is = =

"An ounce of Prevention is worth a POUND of Cure".

What is applicable to Universal Medical Coverage can and MUST be applied to Common Sense Politics.

With that I take my leave.

Rock steady........steady as She goes....

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