Wednesday, April 3, 2019

...all brawn and all brain...

Mere words cannot neutralize Desperation.   What CAN neutralize Desperation are PHYSICAL "alleviates" ==  those of Food, Clothing, Shelter, Heat, Hot Water and Electricity, and not just in a "One Time Covers All" quilt of Guilt-Ridden Sufferance.  "It" MUST be a continued, an ONGOING output of Political Common Sense that identifies Compassion as Political Expediency. 

Here it is that "Common Sense" entails Common DECENCY, a Decency that is NOT found in trumpian Causticity.  Above All Else, Human Decency should be premiered as FIRST Vow of EVERY Candidate aspiring to Presidential Bold. 

Presently, each Candidate is espousing a "Right Screw" as THE Fastener that will "Hold Together" the Structure that is obsequiously rusted out and busted up.   It's LITERALLY, one Screw Job after another, as candidates dink and toil over JUST ONE PIECE of American Tin Sin, while Heli-Arc WELDING and STEEL Plates are needed to restore erstwhile Functionality. 

It's a BIG Job that AINT for small brains.

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