Monday, April 15, 2019

Eve's Rib

I must be certain to drop a slab of concrete on your heads.  Talib and Omar ARE "more blond than you or I " ~~~  their Devotion to AMERICAN Ideals is EXACTLY what American NEEDS to restart, re-fire, re-kindle ANCIENT American Values, Those that breathed LIFE into an Infant Republic. 

It is absolutely IMPERATIVE to understand that Evolution has advanced Women into Political Ascendancy, CHANGE forthcoming. 

Instead of Chastisement and silent Admonition the democrats should ECHO the voices of Change and Advancement.  Indeed, the Utmost PROTECTION should be awarded to These AMERICAN Muslims, who, as TRUE PATRIOTS,  seek to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.

PRAISE, not condemnation, should be the Order of the Day, as these AMERICAN Women address the Political Diseases that Plague and Scourge Humankind.

Rock steady........steady as They go....

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