Friday, April 5, 2019


The POWER of trump, putinist trumpism and Corruptionism in general is of Primal Order, meaning, FEAR is THE Force that governs, [DICTATES] Political Movement.  Trump stands as DICTATOR because of his innate Ability to harness Fear as Raw Cruelty, the one that induces an almost hypnotic if not flat out hallucinogenic Paranoia.  Trump has told his Condemned, "Don't believe what you see, don't believe what you read."  "All news that you receive is FAKE".  This is truly Diabolical Sorcery, trump is no mere Witch, he has MASTERED the so-called "Dark Arts". 

The Same is true of Putin, who reigns by using an almost Jehovah Witness Immediacy. Not only is - "The End Is Near", - it is - "Western Nazi-ism is at our Borders TODAY" !!

Fear cripples. 

When President What's-his-name tried to soothe,
"We have nothing to fear but Fear itself" I don't know if he was successful.  ALL of us KNOW the Power of Fear.  Indeed, I FEAR Fear. 

It is written in Mahayana Dogma  :

"The Bodhisattva depends on Prajna Paramita
  And His mind is no hindrance
  Without hindrances
  No fears [can] exist."

"Would that it t'were so simple."

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