Monday, April 15, 2019

The Rule of Cruel

Women were elected because they voiced the Abject Necessity for CHANGE.  They were elected because they PROMISED unremitting DEVOTION to solve the problems of Status Quo Inertia, and in THAT "Process" to address the Ills of a Nation, a Nation that has become Disease-Ridden with Corruption, Ego Mania, and the Rule of Cruelty. 

"Never send a man to do a Woman's Job."

I write today because American democrats, "rats" as I like to tag, have steadfastly REFUSED to support OUR Muslim Women with OPEN Solidarity.  Instead of HAMMERING republican BLASPHEME, the "Old Ones" sit quietly in haughty overbearance, committing support TO republican Outrage as Condemnation.  THIS is why I despise nancy pelosi and all the Rest who are mere Status Quo clones. 

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