Friday, April 26, 2019

Eternalizing "Forever"

The "Thing" about both trump and Biden is that they have the SAME Message--- .  Trump boasts, "Only I can save America" while Biden bids, "Only I can stop trump".

You can  see it rite ?    "It" is an  "Only I" that is a manifestly grotesque Ego Mania that attempts to Eternalize "Forever" by scribing the Future as The PAST.   "It" makes no sense, how CAN it ? 

The "Only" "Thing" Biden can do is step on the brakes and I mean STAND on them with all his "Might".  But here's the deal with THAT :::  Steel SLIDES on Steel, trump's train will continue down the tracks, only now with OUT OF CONTROL lethality, the Lethality that recognizes the Ultimate Destination as DEATH, trump will do any and EVERYTHING to get as far as possible.  We've all seen that Movie, "It don't end nice".

STANDIN' ON THE BRAKES aint' gonna be no good.  Biden as Brakeman is from his onset Failure Laden.

We need someone to wrest control of the Train and Someone to SWITCH the tracks.

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