Monday, April 15, 2019

"...more blond than you or i..."

The title is the last line of an E.E. Cummings' Poem whose title I can't recall.  Cummings was Somewhere doing Something when one of his friends "of Color" was being victimized by "White" "Americans".  Some bullshit expired, apparently Cummings came to the Defense of his "Brother", but that didn't end it ~~~  Poetry and Poets don't "work that way"~~~ it wasn't over, it COULDN'T be over, until Cummings concretized the "Incident" in Words. 

In the Poem Cummings compared the Essences of Those Involved.  Here, Racism, Bigotry and HATRED, There Kindness, Compassion and Generosity.  It wasn't JUST "about" Friendship, Cummings went to Profundity to identify TRUE American Values, Those of Highest Order Humanity.  It's the HOW of "it" that makes this Poem.

This "Thing" about "being American"--All the WHITENESS--- the Blond Hair Blue Eyes pseudo-Superiority contained the DARKNESS of Evidentiary EVIL, while his Friend "Of Color" exhibited the Light of Star Illumination, the Essence of Divinity generated by Caring, Compassion and GIVING. 

I've often quoted Claude Brown's "paddy boy" incident :::  "this was no color thing, no nigger thing, this cat was beautiful and THAT'S all that mattered."

So it was that E.E. said the same thing :::  [This Cat] was ..."more blond than you or I"...

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