Monday, April 15, 2019

New Age Muslim Ninjas please allow me to give you Today's Conclusion as the Opening of this series. 

Some Time Ago, way back about 57 Eternities distant, I harbingered :::  As Women go, so goes Africa.  I was referring to Muslim Women.  Rite NOW that assertion seems short-sighted, perhaps it should have been, As Women go, so goes the PLANET. 

American "Right" view the election of Talib and Omar as CATACLYSM === they MAY be "Right".  Evolution provides 3 Possibilities :::  Change by Agonizing "Slowness", Change by Cataclysm and the 3rd, Change by Cosmic Mutation.
Just so you know, My Guy and HERO Charles Darwin was a "Slow-but Sure" "Survival of the Fittest"-ist ;;  while my Hero, Immanuel Velikovsky, [Worlds In Collision] is a Cataclysmacist.  Modern Biologists account for Mutationalism, the facts that Cosmic Radiation accounts for Mutation Genetic "anomalies", new Species resulting.

So it is in this particular Here & Now a NEW "Species" of Female Representative has reached American Civilizational Recognition.  This DOESN'T make America "avant-garde", rather, it makes America PATHETIC, since the Rest of the World has ALREADY "Recognized" Female Ascendancy as INFINITELY "Correct".

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