Thursday, August 6, 2020

A Dult or a Dolt ?

ANY Hindi, Buddhist, Zen Buddhist, and Sufi will AGREE with trump.  "It is what It is" is the TRUE Nature of the Universe and ALL Its Manifestations.  Each and EVERY 'Manifestation' is within this--------------------------------------Calibration.  To be appalled by trump's so-called 'callous disregard' for Present Day Human Existence is to be Appalled by Cosmic Oneness.  You can see It rite ?  Are we  'APPALLED' by "Democracy is what it is" ?   Of course not, yet we ARE 'APPALLED' by "Putin is what he is",  and worse, we SHOULDN'T be APPALLED by 'trump is what he is'. 

Somehow, "It is what It is" is an ACCEPTANCE of a Conditioned Reality whose Foundation is 'Phenomena'.    'The 6th Insight Into Mahayana Buddhism' has 'It' this way >  "Insight that sees that Phenomena itself IS 'The Absolute' ".   Here, the 'Absolute' IZ Reality.

"It is what It is" describes SUBJECTIVE Reality, the One of Perceiver and the Perceived.  Trump's numbskullic retort actually Defines OUR Existence.

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