Sunday, August 9, 2020

Deja Voo-Doo

A few Governors have 'banded' together to Function as an Acquisition Conglomerate that they may, as a Force, secure NEEDED Medical Refineries.  Trump's "Every Man and Woman for him or her Self" has resulted in, what I consider, a Colonizing Effect, meaning, the Govs are 'acting' like the First American Colonies, i.e., SOLIDIFYING Efforts to Initiate and STABILIZE "Goods" Procurement.  Is this not "Deja-Vu" "all over again" ???? 

Elsewhere I have made attempts to suggest (impose) that trump IZ King George.  Here's where "History" enters as  Revelatory EXPERIENCE !!!!  And WOULD that it t'were so Simple.  In the Speed of Modern Ancient-Ness, Neo-American 'Colonies' are being defined by their Address to Pandemic.

In the RICHEST Emulsion of American DIFFUSION America is being 'Torn Asunder' by a Godless King George whose most RECENT Manifestation is that of SOUTHERN SECESSIONARY DEFIANCE. 

It's the American Revolution AND the American Civil War AT THE SAME FUCKING TIME !!!!

Hippie-ist Marxist-Leninists got it rong.  The Revolution WILL BE TELEVISED !!!!

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