Saturday, August 22, 2020

"The Secret Is The Sublime"

Biden preaches he's gonna  "Fight for the Soul of America.'  Stirring words.  But just what Exactly, IZ this so-called "Soul of America" ?   According to Obama 'it' IZ Democracy >>>  Democracy IZ the Soul of America >>>  but is It the BFD he proclaims ?  As a Reverential CYNIC  I Doubt it.  Democracy elected Trump, the First Fully Despotic and RACIST President.  I'm hard-pressed to BELIEVE that Democracy iz-gonna SAVE Democracy.  Elsewhere I've argued that when you substitute Democracy with Capitalism a MUCH Clearer Vision is achieved.  The Soul of America then becomes, "I'm Fighting for Capitalism".  Here it is where Capitalism IZ the Status Quo.  In THIS 'Sense' Token Joe is Fighting for the Status Quo that 'brought about' Despot trump IN THE FIRST PLACE.  >> !!! <<   Elsewhere (again) I've argued that the Republicans USE the Status Quo as FORTRESS/SANCTUARY  they have NO "Interest" in issuing forth from their Fortress WHATSOEVER .  Why should they ?  Their Fortress, the Status Quo is their UTOPIA.  When you follow my Reasoning you can "Connect the dots" to reveal >>>  Token Joe is Fighting to MAINTAIN the REPUBLICAN Fortress. 

"The Secret Is The Sublime".

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