Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Design Fornication

In the days that preceded Brahma's Challenge I worked at removing Site-Line Obstructions, I wanted to free THAT 'uP' so she could be appreciated from the Road.  What that involved was moving several Dinosaur 'eggs', round-like (oblate spheroid) rocks that had as their feature NO 'Identity'.  No Identity MEANS No 'Personality', consequently, without Personality, they needed to be re-located so that their Identity could at least 'attract' 'Function'.   Technically, these rocks had to be fucking GONE.

It aint like I cooda taken my "Quarry Buster" and PULVERIZED those Other-fuckers neither.  Oddly,
when you try and impact rock their SIZE,
 the hammer B     U     C     S
                         O     N     E      and in so doing delivers an

UN-NERVING Vibration throughout your Body.  It's UN-Settling.

No, these Other-fuckers had to be MOOOOVED, Skiiiiiided or Draaaaaaaaged to Another Location.

THAT was a Whole New World of Design Fornication.  Design Fornication is when your Items for Relocation FUCK YOU.

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