Tuesday, August 25, 2020


...so the Other Day I was sitting beside 'Brahma' my 8 ton 'Golden Girl" with Alien 'words' 'quartz-ed' on her flank.  I had Other Rocks on my left --so I was sorta in an 'open air' Cave.  My mind was Empty so it was residing in a qualified Eternity.  Understand that I was making no effort to enter ANY Kind or Sort of Samadhi, rather, I was simply enjoying an internal Dynamic of Energy, something of a Quasi Electro-Magnetic Suspension that freed my mind by enmeshing it in Stone Solidity of Quantum Mechanical Exigency.  Out of this Infinitely VAAAAAAAAAST Emptiness
I heard Brahma's Voice, "I need to slide down to where you are."  It most DEFINITELY caught be 'off guard'-- I looked around to see where I was EXACTLY >>> about a foot be
                                                                                                                                low her grade
in a clearing that was giving me Design Daymares.  'It' made sense.  Brahma's S-I-Z-E was pinching
the Access behind her, limiting tool and rock transport and choking off landscape wagon 'travel'.  Plus, there was a GIANT Bittersweet Mother STUMP that was generating UNTOLD  Suffering with her MILLION-ZILLION Tentacles of  EXCRUCIATION.   If I moved Brahma I could end the Suffering, Clear the Gantry Road, and Solve the Design Issue that pandemic PLAGUED Me.

Thing is>>>>  Brahma was BIG !!!  About EIGHT TONS BIG,  and she was Narrow and I did NOT know if she was 'Free Standing' bc she was kissing another boulder.  But her Voice was INFINITELY 'seductive', in a MAN CHALLENGE Condition, and, if I was so fucking SMOT, this Challenge could PROVE It.

So >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  I wondered.

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