Saturday, August 22, 2020

Killer Kawalski

Evidence of Status Quo Corruption in the DNC was their 'Interest' in 'handing over' the Podium to REPUBLICANS .   The DNC incurred the Wrath of  Progressives and those of my ilk, Militant Idealists in so doing.    Progressives were fucking APOPLECTIC bc their 'Socialist Trajectory' was REJECTED by Capitalism Loving Status Quo-ers.  My Girl, The Conquista (AOC) was give BARELY one-fucking MINUTE to Advance the Presidency of my Guy, The Sand Man, Bernard Sanders. 

Here's the deal with THAT.

Status Quo Joe is SOFT compared to the RAGING FEROCITY of  "The Burn Man" Sanders.

If it's  >>  Hippie  Versus   "Killer Kawalski"  in a AWE 'Grudge Match' I'm gonna lay my bucks on

Hard SPLATS Soft.   "It is what it is."

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