Thursday, August 6, 2020

Welcome to the Slaughter-House

I'm no Fan of Reality.  However, I both LOVE and LOATHE Reality 'Devices' such as Mirrors and Scales.  I LOVE my Doctor's Office Scale, it reads-out that I am a FAT SACK OF HUMAN EXCREMENT on almost a Daily Basis >>> WHICH I HATE !!!!  My new 'GARGANTUAN' is Oat-Meal Frosted Cookies which cause Ecstatic DELIRIUM but WEIGH on me as Walrus FLUBBER.

I'm sick--SICK I tell you.   But I digress....... .

What IZ "Appalling" is trump's callous RESIGNATION of the Pandemic's SLAUGHTER which HE himself is  PRIMARY Contributor. 

I BELIEVE he and his ilk regard the NEEDLESS Slaughter of AMERICAN Blacks and AMERICAN Spanish Speakers as Genocidally APPROPRIATE !!!!!  What better Way to extinguish the Passionate FIRE of Democracy Loving CITIZENS ?????  All Those that  would Vote AGAINST him now must endure the Ravages of Plague Pandemic in such a 'Way' that elicits a "Thy Will Be Done" HORROR that provides HIM and his  with Hideously GROTESQUE 'Satisfaction'.

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