Thursday, August 6, 2020

Stone Bold

I don't know if 'Poetry' has 'meaning'.  Still, I Write Poems in order to satisfy an Inner Desire to relieve myself of Conditional Intensity, That of being FILLED with SENSATION--so much so---that It Cannot be contained within my Heart nor my Soul.  Just now I've come in from a kwik stroll by the Rear Boulder Boundary, where I received a Cosmic Affirmation.  I got it into my Head that Each Boulder has, within it, Meaning.  I wrote, some time ago, that Words have Meaning within Them as well.  I don't really know if that statement is 'True', although I FEEL as if It iz.  Just now this "Strange News From Another Star".   It maybe that Rock and Stone do NOT Have Truth within them NOR Meaning.  What DUZ have Truth is my EFFORT to move them.  So it is with Writing Poems,  The Truth and therefore the MEANING resides in the EFFORT.

This THIS is what makes trump's Ignorance so Atrocity Laden >>>> It is his COMPLETE and UTTER LACK OF EFFORT !!!!!!!!!!!!  There is and CANNOT 'be' ANY Truth nor MEANING to him or his so-called Presidency.  He is self-satisfied by his complacency such is the Nature of his COMPLETE Incompetence.  

I'm dun for now,  I'm gonna eat and MAKE-BELIEVE I'm gonna do BIG Things.

Rock Steady........steady as She goes....

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