Saturday, August 22, 2020

Death Heads

When the Outside is "CLOSED" there is no place to turn except 'Inside'.  Day to Day Existence, the Plague's DEMAND for STRICT Isolation has been 'met' with Condemnation, Consternation and ABJECT Rejection.  Blah-blah-blah "Man is a HERD Animal" >>>  I get it.  Thing is, the Infection is S------P-----R------E------A-------D by Social 'Intimacy' so ANY 'Herd' 'Activity' can be the Source Point of Outbreak, Contamination, Contract and perhaps DEATH.  You'd think, and certainly, you'd want to Believe, that Americans would BAND TOGETHER and HEED the Warnings, and Proscriptions of Medical AUTHORITIES in order to MINIMIZE Hardship, Suffering, Grief and Sorrow.  Instead, look at what has beset Us >  Pandemic as WAR !!!   It's the Masked Versus the Dead Heads, those that scoff at Death and view Science as an "Intellectual Dead-End". 

Even on College Campuses throughout the Nation, Plague Pandemic is Ignored and Social Intimacy FAVORED largely because of Primal Instinctuality beautifully iconized by the Bible's "Go ye forth, and MMUULLTTIIPPLLYY". 

There are BUGS of the same 'bent'.  They live for 20 seconds, fuck, then die.

Ain't Nature Beauteeful ?

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