Saturday, August 29, 2020

"It's all about the Benjamins"

The Best Line I heard yesterday came from an American Black Chick who co-hosts a Social Commentary Program disguised as 'Sports Talk'.   She indulged, "How great is it that the NBA isn't playing because of Covid, but because of Racism."  I echo the lyrics of Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young >>  "It's been a long time comin' --  Such a long, Long time." <<

Some of You may recall my efforts to Metaphor the American 'Work-a-Day' Financial System as American Plantationism >>>  that's the one where Capitalism is defined by Systemic (Industrialized) Slavery, whereby Business or Industry OWNERSHIP Reflects Medieval Feudalism, that of Lord and Manor and It's Dominion over Serfdom, the Plight of a Human Existence DEPENDENT upon Lord and Manor 'Protection'.  I took Pains to regard and express one Aspect of the Black Army as Athlete Royalty, that of Professional Sportists, and the Black Army's Dominion over THAT "Aspect" of American Plantationism.  You may recall that I complained with Bitterness and Vehemence that the
Athlete Royalty showed NO 'Interest' in Establishing an Outreach Program within their own "Challenged" Communities, to Raise the Standard of Living by supporting Business and Education GROWTH.  It's a Condition that BEGS for 'Attention', since MANY of Professional Athletes are fucking MILLIONAIRES.

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