Saturday, August 22, 2020

Un-Plug ged

I haven't written in a couple of weeks because I was unable to devise a schema for what I consider to be END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT Consideration.  Indeed, I have NO 'Business' in the Affairs of Others, yet the Plague Pandemic, rather, the Plague's 'Imposition' DEMANDS some sort of 'Review' that can lend a Perspective on the Psychology of Dark Ages Confinement.   There is ULTIMATE Safety in Isolation, yet Americans, NORMAL Americans, are "chomping at the bit" to be released into a 'What Once Was' Normality, a One that will NEVER Re-Exist, due to Pandemic 'Conditions' and Trumpian Politics if 'Politics' is the Right notation. 

Trump has Weaponized the Pandemic  >>  thereby unplugging Miss America from Life Support.
America is Dead
So too Democracy.

All that remains is for US to Save Ourselves. 

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