Friday, May 27, 2022

Soupy Sails


          Were gonna `get through` This, as a Species we always do, but this This affords NO Consolation whatsoever.   Crosby, Stills Nash and Young remind us, "The Darkest Hour is just before the Dawn."   As mentioned above, 'the pendulum swings both ways'.   What can be done to hasten this Dawn ?  

          I will leave this Question unanswered-----------------------------for now .

Rock Steady........Steady az She goze. 





The Hundred Years Gore or The Laugh in Slaughter

           Blizzards do NOT "Last Forever".  Inevitability is like a pendulum, it swings both ways.  The Slaughters and Massacres WILL end, just not now, not in the "For-see-able Future" but in the Future Future.  By THAT Time, the Criminality of the Politically Insane will have been extinguished NOT by the Will and Volition of Human Ordination but by the Grind and Rasp of Evolutionary Determination .   The Assholes simply "die off" -- their perversioned Legacy of Fear, Hatred, and Atrocity remaining in the annals of History to be viewed with quiet, (resolved) skepticism, for certainly HOW could such a Deranged Conscious-Ness EVER be allowed to RULE a Populace of [supposed] Civility ?????  

          Until THEN, the Massacres `happen and are gonna happen` within the Context of SOLUTION, meaning we KNOW "What to do" to END the savage Slaughter of CHILDREN and Innocents.  And yet -------------------

          And yet ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .


Hell Bell


          I awoke into a headache.  It was (it is) a continuation of (from) yesterday.  It's not just the result of allergies, (the pollen "thick and warm"), but the ongoing inundation of Grief and Sorrow (now TEN years worth).  

          There's a line from Faulkner's ABSALOM, ABSALOM that has {verberated} and reverberated like the echo from a cathedral bell, tolling,, tolling,,, tolling ;  It is this , "It was snowing, and it was gonna snow".  Faulkner delivers this line as `dead certainty`, a Certainty of INEVITABLE Ongoing.  Here, there would be NO Cessation, NO Relief and NO Consolation nor Solace.  Here, the driving snow was gonna BURY the land with a covering of Misery and even Death .   Here, wildlife would go hungry .  

          So it is with Grief and Sorrow ~~~~~~



Thursday, May 26, 2022

The Us in Trust

            The Ancient Chinese believed it was the Individual who was the 'MODEL of the Empire'.   In Modern Times we have this, "A Society rests upon its Artists and its Criminals".    By this Reasoning, it can be said that Intelligent Individuals beget an Intelligent Society, and Inferior individuals beget an Inferior Society, one not only bereft of Truth Based Rationality but a one of Primal Licention {Lie Sentience} .   Clearly we have, at Present, a Society based upon Criminals, in the Form of Criminal INSANITY, those of Political Position and Financial Severity .    

          Elsewhere I have 'called for' a 'Change' that is manifested by Transformation .   The Modern Individual MUST be tuned to War-Time Manufacture and Industry as well as [its] Art,  and further,, by a rise (broadening) of Conscious-Ness that fully Recognizes the "American Dream" for what it REALLY is, no mere Dream but a NIGHTMARE .    Here it is where mindless Dependency-On-Political-Others MUST BE jettisoned as ubiquitously OBSOLETE to be supplanted by SELF-RELIANCE,, itself based upon an Orientation toward Physical and Mental HEALTH ,  a Reliance that then can be broadcast as Confidence and {NON-obsequious} Inner Resolve .    

         Devotion to Self Health can be manifested as Devotion to the Health of the Society ---- .

War is Peace

             We want to think, check that, we want to believe that our 'elected officials' are the "Front Line of Defense" with regard to ANY 'attack on Democracy'.      The irrational Belief, that these officials {offal shills} have our BEST Interests 'in mind' or at the least 'close at hand' is [cynically] Preposterous if not abjectly Ludicrous .   So it is with the Conceit that we are being INTELLIGENTLY Governed, where Intelligence INCLUDES, ongoing Inventory, Industrial Preparedness and  Trajectory Maintenance .   This Intelligence DEMANDS Precision Thinking and Highest Order Rationality .   Oddly (if not FREAKISHLY) this Intelligence MUST BE Responsive to Prevailing Conditions, where Prevailing Conditions is code for the wholesale {catastrophic} REMOVAL of Truth as Primary Basis for Govern-Mentality.   The Present Condition is that of WAR !!   Without this Recognition it is IMPOSSIBLE to impede a(n)  {Invasionary}  Suffering inflicted by an ENEMY whose {Soul} Intent is the  Subjugation  and  Oppression  of  a  Populace  deemed  UNFIT  to  Govern themselves.   Democrat offal-shills have SURRENDERED!  They are calling for US to elect Guarantors of the Constitution - a Constitution that GUARANTEES Protection NOT for the Will of the Majority but Protection  for Extremist Fundamentalists who have PROVEN themselves to be ANTI-DEMOCRACY .   The elected offal-shills DESIRE Individuals whose Inner Values align with Outer Contingency that they may neutralize Anti-Democracy Atrocity and Promote UNIVERSAL Prosperity where Prosperity is the Return to Truth Based Factualism otherwise referred to as Reality.

Land of the Freaks, Home of the Slaves

          America is a "Failed State", it's Congress is crippled, not just because of {addled} Old Age but due, in fact, by the SUCCESSFUL Usurpation by trump and his minions millions who seek Biblical VENGEANCE upon [COMMUNIST] democrats who have STOLEN an "Americanism" [once] based upon the Values, Mores and Morals of the Antebellum South which itself had Origin in Washingtonian Slavery Capitalism and [who have ] sought to adhere to a Political Evolution whose Trajectory is toward a more PERFECT Union, a Union of Body Politic and MIND Politic, a One where Peace registers as Prosperity and the Diminution of Pain, Misery and Suffering.  

          America can't feed its Infants nor Protect its school CHILDREN .   If those 2 don't REEK of Failure, then what does ???

Weaponized Terrorism

           It is as if we can't catch a break.  Terrorism has swept the Planet as Plague, Pestilence and {now} [Baby] Famine, Putin's Invasion of Ukraine, the American {Neo} Civil War, and most recently the 2nd Sandy Hook .   Exhaustion and Exasperation feed an atmosphere {atmost Fear} where there can be no "Breath of Life", only the fetid stench of 'Old Age", Death,, and {Morals} Decay.   So it is with the so-called "End Times".   My Hero, Robert Frost, prophesied "Some say the Earth will end by Fire, others as by Ice"---- not a word of Plague, Pestilence nor Famine [Have i gotten this wrong, was it William Blake and not Robert Frost ?] .

          ...nor is it {Yt} Biblical ~~~ I see no Evidence that reveals ANY Inheritance of the Earth by the Meek, quite the opposite ---- if it was Biblical, shouldn't the {Divine} Forces of Good have taken to the Battlefield by now to Protect the Innocent from Evil's Terrorism and Satan's Atrocities ?   I mean, you'd think.

          It's hard to Imagine that Terrorism could be 'Weaponized' for POLITICAL Gain, yet, there It is.

          Weaponized Terrorism----------------go figure.  

Saturday, May 21, 2022

Eternal Ality


          There is no "Discourse In The Continuum" within the pages of the "Sermons".  Know that the Tengu Masters lay-out 'dots' that can only be connected by extensive Exercise.  Master Fortin and I have done so and the Image is that of the Continuum and this follows :   "There is only the Continuum".  For now it is safe to say the 'Continuum' is the Manifestation of Universal Mind as Existence but NOT Its "Force".   The Will of Universal Mind is that IT leads to Perfection, a Perfection of Being to which All Entities must ascribe.   Once Universal Perfection is achieved, the Universe ends, only to begin once again, in a Mystery of Eternality.

Rock Steady........Steady az She goze....

Street Sword

           This from the cover inside flap of  The Demon's Sermon On The Martial Arts by Issai Chozanshi :

          "Woven deeply into the martial traditions and folklore of Japan, the fearsome Tengu dwell in the country's mountain forests.  Mythical half-man half half bird creatures  Entities} with long noses [beaks], Tengu have always inspired [both] dread and awe, inhabiting a liminal world {Realm} between the human and the demonic, and guarding the most hidden secrets of Swordsmanship.  In The Demon's Sermon On The Martial Arts, a translation of the 18th Century samurai classic by Issai Chozanshi, an anonymous Swordsman journeys to the heart of Mt. Kurama, the traditional domain of these formidable Beings.  There he encounters a host of demons: through a series of discussions and often playful discourse, they reveal to him the very deepest principles of the martial arts, and show him how the secrets of Sword Fighting impart the Truths of Life Itself."   


           To `Tho{z}e` who want the Answer to "Why must Truth be Defended ?"  I can offer that 'It' is an Evolutionary DEMAND, meaning, to reside in a ConsciousNess of Superstition and Magic, although there is INTENSE 'intrigue' in Each,  denies Mind access to IMPROVE Existence {Exist Tense} where that 'Improvement' is nothing less than a 'Direction' {Trajectory} toward an Increase in HEALTH.  Superstition and Magic, although CERTAINLY Formidable and can be utilized under `Restricted Conditions`,  inhabit the Realm of Fear, the so-called Fear of the UNKNOWN, which not only debilitates but can, in some instances, paralyze {para Lies} .   



The 'Ruth' of Truth and Ruthless

           So it was (in Ancient Times) that Kung Fu Masters `made` "Every finger a dagger, every hand an axe, every arm a Sword or spear".  Here it was that the manifestation of "Spiritual Reinforcement" was "Self Defense", a Self Defense whose `Duty` was to "Defend the Truth".   It is imperative to understand that this "Truth" had [has] at least SIX different `Attentions` one of which was the Truth of Reality .   Modern Day Street Fighters, Those Devoted to Truth and Its Reality, must also be armed not simply to Defend one's-Self, but to Defend and ADVANCE Reality, the Reality of prevailing political 'Condition' AND to Protect those of only modest Understanding, those who reside on the Surface of  Day-to-Day {Vibratory} Resonance.   Here it is where FACTS, Common Sense and LOGICAL Reasoning are SOME of the Rhetorical Weapons needed to withstand the almost Biblical Deluge of Propaganda, Perverted Mythology, and the incessant Brain Washings inflicted upon the Populace that IT, the Inflictions, may alter {Pervert} Common ConsciousNess in an Effort to subvert the Truth of Reality thereby imposing Fear, and Hatred as 'Mainstay' {Main STAY} Political `Attribution`, in all its most Heinous Cruelty.

Thursday, May 19, 2022

My Kitten smells like day old doughnuts

           There is no "Hop, skip and jump" from 'Street Fighting' to Rhetorical Combat but that is NOT the case 'in' Dharma Combat, the {Psycho-SUPER} Regulated Institution of Zen Attainment.   Zen Buddhism WILLFULLY  'Weaponizes' Words and Thoughts ----Its Effort to Substantiate 'Levels of Attainment' thereby establishing Rank, where Rank is necessary for 'Transmission'  Efficacy and Efficiency .    Masters deliver Attack Questions  such as,   "What did you look like before you were born ?" -- to monks and nuns that they may DEEPEN their Meditative Skills in order to Attain Enlightenment .   Questioning is NOT limited to Master-- Disciple intrigue, monks challenge monks on a Routine basis, the goal of which is as just noted-- to Deepen One's Spirituality so as to advance into Higher Realms of Buddha ConsciousNess.  

        Present day Political Mental Activity is {somewhat} defined by Propagandal and Brain Washing Techniques utilized by Cruelly Aggressive Hostiles whose {Soul} `Agenda` is the Destruction of Democratic Norms, Mores, Ethics and Morals, that they may `develop` an Environment that THEY deem suitable ONLY FOR THEM and which is CLEARLY "at the expense of" Homeland Residents whose Agenda is the Creation of an Environment SUITABLE FOR ALL .  

       {So} Now we have APPLICATION for Rhetorical {Dharma} Combat i.e, Street Fighting.

No Pain No Brain

          When you Google "In what films has Sonny {Sunny} Chiba appeared ?" ~~ the first is "The Street Fighter"-- above the action shot are the words :  "If you gotta fight, fight Dirty" .  I smirked when I read it.   I hammered this into my Students :  >>Above all else, Our Study of Sword generates 'Weapons ConsciousNess' -- if you find yourself about to be assaulted LOOK FOR A WEAPON ! <<    By Definition,   if you are in a `Street Fight` THERE ARE NO RULES OF HONOR NOR INTEGRITY .    Self Defense has as its `Primary` SURVIVAL;;;  here there can be NO Advantage to Fighting "Fair".  Martial Arts Cinema is laden with innumerable "Street Fights" where hostiles seek not just submission but Destruction, a Destruction [that] does not end with "hobble" but with "Cripple"---a Destruction that may cause LIFETIME immobility {and don't forget the Death thing}.   

The Garden of Evil


            What is to be harvested from the Garden of Evil ?  Ferocity, Cruelty, Atrocity, to name the Essential----the remainder of the 7 Deadly, of course .......  Any PRACTICAL value to those of us tuned to the Infinite ?       

          Some of us have taken `Refuge` in that Garden, believe it or don't.  There are Souls in that Garden that are Worth trying to Retrieve, {among them my own} .   Fairy Tales are rife with "Black Forest" Dangers---the advance into which is characterized by Demon Aggression and Soul to Soul Battles with Inter-Dimensional Entities who crave Goodness and Purity NOT to promote Internal Change that they may be Transformed ~~~~ but to Exterminate Goodness and Purity and supplant it with FEAR, Hatred, Rage and Fury thereby establishing THEIR environment which then becomes suitable for their Existence.  

          Hatred of GoodNess ----------------there's One for ya .

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

[So] "What can a poor boy do ?"


We must follow the SAGE Advice given by Mick Jagger and his Rolling Stones ----  become a "Street Fighter Man".      

          Resignation is nothing less than abject Submission to the Negative Forces of Animal Instinctuality.  These Forces MUST-BE countered with Truth IN ALL ITS MANIFESTATIONS and by EFFORT born of Determination and Commitment .   Acceptance of the FEAR of Cruelty and Hatred begets a Paralysis of Being that PROMOTES even MORE Atrocity at EVERY Human Level.

          The corniest of Corny provides us with Illumination of the Path Toward Resistance and Recovery--it is this :  "Where there's a Will, there's a Way".

          Believe It.

Rock Steady........Steady az She goze ....

"Apocalypse Now"

           The Plague Pandemic suffused the Planet with Untold Suffering, a Suffering by near Suffocation, the one of Death-In-Every-Breath, the one where No One was Safe, the one where Death was at EVERYONE'S `Door-step`.  We survived that THAT, for the most part, only to find ourselves, once again, breathing Death, the venomous lethality of War Intimacy generated by Planetary Conscience.   And when we TRY to figure [that] "It CAN'T get any worse" Hatred rears as Monstrous Radiation, en-Power-ing the Vicious and Cruel while sickening the Peace-Loving Common .  

          We are Surrounded by 'Clusterfuck' Toxicity, a Clusterfuck I have elsewhere described as Doomsday Damnation, the one where EVERYTHING has been 'Destroyed' or Mutilated to such an extent as to make EVERYTHING Unrecognizable .   What IS recognizable is vast Devastation from both War and Psychological War, that of Propaganda and Social Media Perversion.   

          Our Collective Response has been the Offense of less-than-sagacious Calumny .   Ridiculous if not Preposterous, since ALL of Us KNOW, "ACTION SPEAKS LOUDER THAN WORDS".  

          It is a phuq-ing MIRACLE that the West has attempted to Aid Ukraine with Weaponry and Armament-----the REAL of War Attribution .  2 words :   It hasn't been enough .

Ire Rationality

          The inside of my head, where Mind is suppose-to reside, has been a clusterfuck of Emotion, Ire-Rationality, and Dis-Ease, all vibrating with  {and to} a general despondency and subversive malaise born of doldrums' {dole drums} `Sorrow` .     The War in Ukraine, combined with the {Un} Civil War in my Homeland has embittered me with Cynicism, Contempt, Scorn and both Out and In Rage.  Here now, 'clusterfuck' as most VIOLENT Storm, a Storm that Rages as Cozmic Fury .   The Storm has made Writing a most dire Impossibility because I haven't the Force of Will, to Confront, in a disciplined manner, the Complexities of Human Frailty and Human Fate .   It is 'as if' the only choice laid before me is one between expressing Hideous Ugliness as Planetary Condition, or Romanticizing Optimism the one in which Hope is weaponized to advantage Practical Relief.   

           My Gentle Readers KNOW  what I think of Hope --- yet the continued expression of Misery  (in an Effort to Confront Human Frailty) is both Exhausting and Toxic, both for my Readers and myself as well.  Still, there remains both Obligation and Duty, to my Native Land, my Fellow Citizens and the Sangha to generate "Positive Energy" in its manifold forms, so as to elicit Internal Resolve, that Quality of Determination, with which to withstand the Universe's most heinous Cruelty and to evidence Altruism and Compassion in such a way or manner as to command Life's "Majesty".

The For Us Prime Evil


          Planetary Dynamics puts it this way :   "Nature's Way is ALWAYS towards 'Mass Entropy' ".  For the 'Most Part' Entropy is considered Chaos, a Chaos that produces one "clusterfuck" after another in a seeming Endless visual cacophony of tangled Growth both above ground and below, with Enmeshment as Guarantor of both insidious propagation  and  "Failsafe" protection .    

          For most of us, the Chaos of 'clusterfuck' Condition is PROFOUNDLY Hideous, except in the vast stretches of Jungle Normality.  Great Poets have lauded the so-called "Forest Primeval" {Prime Evil} as God's Grandeur actualized in infinite Splendor .   I, too, have Reveled in this Splendor where Splendor is itself {Raw} Beauty .  But, somehow, Collective Growth diminishes Singularity and Individuation, a Sacrifice for its Sustainability {I Imagine} and in the Quest for Food, Nature's Way MUST be Harnessed by REMOVING the Growth that denies Nutrients to those Plants upon which Human Life Depends.  

         Here's the Deal >>>   You can't eat weeds .

Monday, May 2, 2022

"Tuned To The Infinite"

             Regard-full of the Device-You- Are ,, what is CRITICALLY Important  is that We All  should TRY  to get "Tuned To The Infinite".      You can HEAR where I'm "going" with This.  "Perceive World Sound" now gets Future-ized and Techno-modified to "Perceive UNIVERSAL Sound"  the Newtonian 'rendition' of The Sound Of The Spheres .    This Includes ALL Sounds and FREQUENCIES .   Zen Dogma Elicits,  "Become One, Infinite Time, Infinite Space" but this should be supplemented with,  >Infinite SOUND< .   Be Ever Mind-Full that EMOTIONS FEELINGS PAINS and SUFFERINGS are preponderantly Included in this seemingly stultified Mollification.   Indeed, perhaps it may be Best to uze Apprehend Universal Sound [so] that {The One-Ness of } MIND-BODY 'Awareness' --- the `Sense-Ational`--- be understood to be the Energy {Frequency}  Dynamic of   "Mutual Interpenetration".   

          The Sound of Universal Mind Energy is the Sound of Beauty.

          Believe it.


The {so-called} `Western HY Way`

           Genius Tesla {Sense-sated} and [then] reported that 'Mind' "acts-like" an >> antenna << .   Here,  the Real-Eyz-Zation that, instead of Thoughts being SELF- Generated, there is only a Self that is programmed to RECEIVE.   On the Street >>>  some Folks are RADIOS while others are Stereo RECEIVERS and still more Others ,  Few in number,  that are   Cozmik  Radio TELESCOPES <<< .

          The Manifold Secrets of the Universe exist as Waves of Frequency and can be received {justlike} any other Broadcast Frequency but there is the Entire Panoramic Vista of Universal EVERYTHING that also exists as Frequency Waves and these are excruciatingly Intimate and EASILY Accessible by EVERY Human Being.  BUT..............there are problems,   Shit,   there are ALWAYS Problems.......  .



"Brer" Rabid

           I lock my cell away figurin' to HIDE from its 10,000 armed Grab.   Marc had sent me 43,671 texts admonishing me for AVOIDING REAL Reality, ---------GUILTY as charged.

           He sent me a Pair of his Father's Cuff Links, White Gold with Yellow Gold streams.  It meant, "You're IN".   

           With That, a "Hans & Franz" >"We're here to pump [clap] YOU uP"<  Letter, that [somehow] scolded me for forgetting {ignoring} my Status as "Master of the Universe"  Academic.   It  'made me'  full of Rue.   Never underestimate the Power of Guilt and [even] Shame   for that matter.

           I took a Breath ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

          What was Out [In]  There ?

           As far  as I could seen ,  nothing but Tornadic Chaos, which to me is my "Briar Patch".

          "Br'er Rabbit hoodwinked the Fox-That-Was-TOOOO Smart ::   "Don't throw me in that Brier Patch" sed Brer Rabbit in his best Fancy English.   

          Home at last.



`Spurious-er and spurious-er` ...

          Ambition and Desire drive my insanity-rich Mentality.    My `Samurai Arrogance` promotes an Autism than manifests as a Zatoichin "menacing intensity".    'Menacing Intenisy" MAY be code for REZOUNDING  Fury, the one of UNCONTROLLABLE Volcanic Eruptions.  `I speak, therefore I magma`.  OBVIOUSLY this This is Future DENYING, how can there even BE a "Future" if the Present is one of CONTINUOUS Death and Destruction ????   Where  it SHOULD Be that Bodhisattva-Hood is LIFE Affirming there is instead a REALITY Affirming Actuality that DEMANDS Sustained Mental Involvement DESPITE the Heavy Loss of ANY Profound Relief.  Here now the Exhaustion of which I speak.



"The more it works, the more comes out"

          The last entry in my Journal was TWO months previous................  it was ONE sentence.

          'Terse', 'pith' and 'stark' does NOT 'cover it' nor does "overworked", "exhausted" and `callously spurious`  .   However, 'undisciplined' and `Dis-Compassionate` get "it" to 'close' {kloss}.  Just as any truly Weak Individual searches for and locates "Blame" OUTSIDE the Self, so it was [and is] with me and my efforts.  I blame the War In Ukraine.  

          Everytime I looked 'Inside' to find 'Will', all I `felt' was the Void.  Don't mis-understand, the Void is NOT "the same as "EmptyNess".   EmptyNess is the Root and Source of All Things whereas the Void is a "Realm" in which NOTHING can manifest [into] the Realm of Inception and Growth.  I took the Coward's Way Out, and sought Refuge in the Buddha Fields where the so-called "Majesty Of Being" IS Manifested as `one {phuqing} MIRACLE after Another`.  Here  it is where, "I shovel loam,  I pull weeds" DEFINES a rabidly SPIRITUAL  'Blessing' the One of  >Cozmic Endowment<  Free of Worldly Agony and Terror.  




"To Everything Turn, Turn,, Turn,,,"

           Yesterday, after what {seamed} to be two YEARS, I was finally prepared to spend some `desk time` 'at task' to [once again] attempt to Save The World from ITS-SELF.   This 'Glorification' of just 'routine' 'ho-hum' is nothing {shrt} of Vanity gone horribly {rwong}, and when I apply Vanity instead of ARROGANCE it is unquestionably gratuitous, an allowance for chronic Imbecility that only geriatric senility can rite-ly afford.  2 wordz ::   I know Better.   Still ..............

          As I {sed},, I was all set to 'plug in' and "Turn ON" when I saw the yellow flag above the Internet icon.  "No Internet Access".  I stared at it ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ until the ramifications inundated my Sense-Infinities.  After all that Time ........    

           I wondered .

          No Access to "Public Speak" meant [or COULD mean] that the Universe had yet Another Plan for me~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I sat quiet, my mind turning like an empty cement mixer, only the hum-drone of electric power and freshly greased gears, turning, turning,, turning,,,  ..............