Thursday, May 19, 2022

The Garden of Evil


            What is to be harvested from the Garden of Evil ?  Ferocity, Cruelty, Atrocity, to name the Essential----the remainder of the 7 Deadly, of course .......  Any PRACTICAL value to those of us tuned to the Infinite ?       

          Some of us have taken `Refuge` in that Garden, believe it or don't.  There are Souls in that Garden that are Worth trying to Retrieve, {among them my own} .   Fairy Tales are rife with "Black Forest" Dangers---the advance into which is characterized by Demon Aggression and Soul to Soul Battles with Inter-Dimensional Entities who crave Goodness and Purity NOT to promote Internal Change that they may be Transformed ~~~~ but to Exterminate Goodness and Purity and supplant it with FEAR, Hatred, Rage and Fury thereby establishing THEIR environment which then becomes suitable for their Existence.  

          Hatred of GoodNess ----------------there's One for ya .

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