Wednesday, May 18, 2022

The For Us Prime Evil


          Planetary Dynamics puts it this way :   "Nature's Way is ALWAYS towards 'Mass Entropy' ".  For the 'Most Part' Entropy is considered Chaos, a Chaos that produces one "clusterfuck" after another in a seeming Endless visual cacophony of tangled Growth both above ground and below, with Enmeshment as Guarantor of both insidious propagation  and  "Failsafe" protection .    

          For most of us, the Chaos of 'clusterfuck' Condition is PROFOUNDLY Hideous, except in the vast stretches of Jungle Normality.  Great Poets have lauded the so-called "Forest Primeval" {Prime Evil} as God's Grandeur actualized in infinite Splendor .   I, too, have Reveled in this Splendor where Splendor is itself {Raw} Beauty .  But, somehow, Collective Growth diminishes Singularity and Individuation, a Sacrifice for its Sustainability {I Imagine} and in the Quest for Food, Nature's Way MUST be Harnessed by REMOVING the Growth that denies Nutrients to those Plants upon which Human Life Depends.  

         Here's the Deal >>>   You can't eat weeds .

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