Monday, May 2, 2022

"To Everything Turn, Turn,, Turn,,,"

           Yesterday, after what {seamed} to be two YEARS, I was finally prepared to spend some `desk time` 'at task' to [once again] attempt to Save The World from ITS-SELF.   This 'Glorification' of just 'routine' 'ho-hum' is nothing {shrt} of Vanity gone horribly {rwong}, and when I apply Vanity instead of ARROGANCE it is unquestionably gratuitous, an allowance for chronic Imbecility that only geriatric senility can rite-ly afford.  2 wordz ::   I know Better.   Still ..............

          As I {sed},, I was all set to 'plug in' and "Turn ON" when I saw the yellow flag above the Internet icon.  "No Internet Access".  I stared at it ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ until the ramifications inundated my Sense-Infinities.  After all that Time ........    

           I wondered .

          No Access to "Public Speak" meant [or COULD mean] that the Universe had yet Another Plan for me~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I sat quiet, my mind turning like an empty cement mixer, only the hum-drone of electric power and freshly greased gears, turning, turning,, turning,,,  ..............

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