Thursday, May 26, 2022

The Us in Trust

            The Ancient Chinese believed it was the Individual who was the 'MODEL of the Empire'.   In Modern Times we have this, "A Society rests upon its Artists and its Criminals".    By this Reasoning, it can be said that Intelligent Individuals beget an Intelligent Society, and Inferior individuals beget an Inferior Society, one not only bereft of Truth Based Rationality but a one of Primal Licention {Lie Sentience} .   Clearly we have, at Present, a Society based upon Criminals, in the Form of Criminal INSANITY, those of Political Position and Financial Severity .    

          Elsewhere I have 'called for' a 'Change' that is manifested by Transformation .   The Modern Individual MUST be tuned to War-Time Manufacture and Industry as well as [its] Art,  and further,, by a rise (broadening) of Conscious-Ness that fully Recognizes the "American Dream" for what it REALLY is, no mere Dream but a NIGHTMARE .    Here it is where mindless Dependency-On-Political-Others MUST BE jettisoned as ubiquitously OBSOLETE to be supplanted by SELF-RELIANCE,, itself based upon an Orientation toward Physical and Mental HEALTH ,  a Reliance that then can be broadcast as Confidence and {NON-obsequious} Inner Resolve .    

         Devotion to Self Health can be manifested as Devotion to the Health of the Society ---- .

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