Friday, May 27, 2022

The Hundred Years Gore or The Laugh in Slaughter

           Blizzards do NOT "Last Forever".  Inevitability is like a pendulum, it swings both ways.  The Slaughters and Massacres WILL end, just not now, not in the "For-see-able Future" but in the Future Future.  By THAT Time, the Criminality of the Politically Insane will have been extinguished NOT by the Will and Volition of Human Ordination but by the Grind and Rasp of Evolutionary Determination .   The Assholes simply "die off" -- their perversioned Legacy of Fear, Hatred, and Atrocity remaining in the annals of History to be viewed with quiet, (resolved) skepticism, for certainly HOW could such a Deranged Conscious-Ness EVER be allowed to RULE a Populace of [supposed] Civility ?????  

          Until THEN, the Massacres `happen and are gonna happen` within the Context of SOLUTION, meaning we KNOW "What to do" to END the savage Slaughter of CHILDREN and Innocents.  And yet -------------------

          And yet ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .


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