Saturday, May 21, 2022

The 'Ruth' of Truth and Ruthless

           So it was (in Ancient Times) that Kung Fu Masters `made` "Every finger a dagger, every hand an axe, every arm a Sword or spear".  Here it was that the manifestation of "Spiritual Reinforcement" was "Self Defense", a Self Defense whose `Duty` was to "Defend the Truth".   It is imperative to understand that this "Truth" had [has] at least SIX different `Attentions` one of which was the Truth of Reality .   Modern Day Street Fighters, Those Devoted to Truth and Its Reality, must also be armed not simply to Defend one's-Self, but to Defend and ADVANCE Reality, the Reality of prevailing political 'Condition' AND to Protect those of only modest Understanding, those who reside on the Surface of  Day-to-Day {Vibratory} Resonance.   Here it is where FACTS, Common Sense and LOGICAL Reasoning are SOME of the Rhetorical Weapons needed to withstand the almost Biblical Deluge of Propaganda, Perverted Mythology, and the incessant Brain Washings inflicted upon the Populace that IT, the Inflictions, may alter {Pervert} Common ConsciousNess in an Effort to subvert the Truth of Reality thereby imposing Fear, and Hatred as 'Mainstay' {Main STAY} Political `Attribution`, in all its most Heinous Cruelty.

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