Monday, May 2, 2022

"Tuned To The Infinite"

             Regard-full of the Device-You- Are ,, what is CRITICALLY Important  is that We All  should TRY  to get "Tuned To The Infinite".      You can HEAR where I'm "going" with This.  "Perceive World Sound" now gets Future-ized and Techno-modified to "Perceive UNIVERSAL Sound"  the Newtonian 'rendition' of The Sound Of The Spheres .    This Includes ALL Sounds and FREQUENCIES .   Zen Dogma Elicits,  "Become One, Infinite Time, Infinite Space" but this should be supplemented with,  >Infinite SOUND< .   Be Ever Mind-Full that EMOTIONS FEELINGS PAINS and SUFFERINGS are preponderantly Included in this seemingly stultified Mollification.   Indeed, perhaps it may be Best to uze Apprehend Universal Sound [so] that {The One-Ness of } MIND-BODY 'Awareness' --- the `Sense-Ational`--- be understood to be the Energy {Frequency}  Dynamic of   "Mutual Interpenetration".   

          The Sound of Universal Mind Energy is the Sound of Beauty.

          Believe it.


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