Wednesday, May 18, 2022

"Apocalypse Now"

           The Plague Pandemic suffused the Planet with Untold Suffering, a Suffering by near Suffocation, the one of Death-In-Every-Breath, the one where No One was Safe, the one where Death was at EVERYONE'S `Door-step`.  We survived that THAT, for the most part, only to find ourselves, once again, breathing Death, the venomous lethality of War Intimacy generated by Planetary Conscience.   And when we TRY to figure [that] "It CAN'T get any worse" Hatred rears as Monstrous Radiation, en-Power-ing the Vicious and Cruel while sickening the Peace-Loving Common .  

          We are Surrounded by 'Clusterfuck' Toxicity, a Clusterfuck I have elsewhere described as Doomsday Damnation, the one where EVERYTHING has been 'Destroyed' or Mutilated to such an extent as to make EVERYTHING Unrecognizable .   What IS recognizable is vast Devastation from both War and Psychological War, that of Propaganda and Social Media Perversion.   

          Our Collective Response has been the Offense of less-than-sagacious Calumny .   Ridiculous if not Preposterous, since ALL of Us KNOW, "ACTION SPEAKS LOUDER THAN WORDS".  

          It is a phuq-ing MIRACLE that the West has attempted to Aid Ukraine with Weaponry and Armament-----the REAL of War Attribution .  2 words :   It hasn't been enough .

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