Monday, May 2, 2022

`Spurious-er and spurious-er` ...

          Ambition and Desire drive my insanity-rich Mentality.    My `Samurai Arrogance` promotes an Autism than manifests as a Zatoichin "menacing intensity".    'Menacing Intenisy" MAY be code for REZOUNDING  Fury, the one of UNCONTROLLABLE Volcanic Eruptions.  `I speak, therefore I magma`.  OBVIOUSLY this This is Future DENYING, how can there even BE a "Future" if the Present is one of CONTINUOUS Death and Destruction ????   Where  it SHOULD Be that Bodhisattva-Hood is LIFE Affirming there is instead a REALITY Affirming Actuality that DEMANDS Sustained Mental Involvement DESPITE the Heavy Loss of ANY Profound Relief.  Here now the Exhaustion of which I speak.



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