Thursday, May 19, 2022

No Pain No Brain

          When you Google "In what films has Sonny {Sunny} Chiba appeared ?" ~~ the first is "The Street Fighter"-- above the action shot are the words :  "If you gotta fight, fight Dirty" .  I smirked when I read it.   I hammered this into my Students :  >>Above all else, Our Study of Sword generates 'Weapons ConsciousNess' -- if you find yourself about to be assaulted LOOK FOR A WEAPON ! <<    By Definition,   if you are in a `Street Fight` THERE ARE NO RULES OF HONOR NOR INTEGRITY .    Self Defense has as its `Primary` SURVIVAL;;;  here there can be NO Advantage to Fighting "Fair".  Martial Arts Cinema is laden with innumerable "Street Fights" where hostiles seek not just submission but Destruction, a Destruction [that] does not end with "hobble" but with "Cripple"---a Destruction that may cause LIFETIME immobility {and don't forget the Death thing}.   

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