Thursday, May 19, 2022

My Kitten smells like day old doughnuts

           There is no "Hop, skip and jump" from 'Street Fighting' to Rhetorical Combat but that is NOT the case 'in' Dharma Combat, the {Psycho-SUPER} Regulated Institution of Zen Attainment.   Zen Buddhism WILLFULLY  'Weaponizes' Words and Thoughts ----Its Effort to Substantiate 'Levels of Attainment' thereby establishing Rank, where Rank is necessary for 'Transmission'  Efficacy and Efficiency .    Masters deliver Attack Questions  such as,   "What did you look like before you were born ?" -- to monks and nuns that they may DEEPEN their Meditative Skills in order to Attain Enlightenment .   Questioning is NOT limited to Master-- Disciple intrigue, monks challenge monks on a Routine basis, the goal of which is as just noted-- to Deepen One's Spirituality so as to advance into Higher Realms of Buddha ConsciousNess.  

        Present day Political Mental Activity is {somewhat} defined by Propagandal and Brain Washing Techniques utilized by Cruelly Aggressive Hostiles whose {Soul} `Agenda` is the Destruction of Democratic Norms, Mores, Ethics and Morals, that they may `develop` an Environment that THEY deem suitable ONLY FOR THEM and which is CLEARLY "at the expense of" Homeland Residents whose Agenda is the Creation of an Environment SUITABLE FOR ALL .  

       {So} Now we have APPLICATION for Rhetorical {Dharma} Combat i.e, Street Fighting.

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