Monday, May 2, 2022

"The more it works, the more comes out"

          The last entry in my Journal was TWO months previous................  it was ONE sentence.

          'Terse', 'pith' and 'stark' does NOT 'cover it' nor does "overworked", "exhausted" and `callously spurious`  .   However, 'undisciplined' and `Dis-Compassionate` get "it" to 'close' {kloss}.  Just as any truly Weak Individual searches for and locates "Blame" OUTSIDE the Self, so it was [and is] with me and my efforts.  I blame the War In Ukraine.  

          Everytime I looked 'Inside' to find 'Will', all I `felt' was the Void.  Don't mis-understand, the Void is NOT "the same as "EmptyNess".   EmptyNess is the Root and Source of All Things whereas the Void is a "Realm" in which NOTHING can manifest [into] the Realm of Inception and Growth.  I took the Coward's Way Out, and sought Refuge in the Buddha Fields where the so-called "Majesty Of Being" IS Manifested as `one {phuqing} MIRACLE after Another`.  Here  it is where, "I shovel loam,  I pull weeds" DEFINES a rabidly SPIRITUAL  'Blessing' the One of  >Cozmic Endowment<  Free of Worldly Agony and Terror.  




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