Thursday, May 26, 2022

War is Peace

             We want to think, check that, we want to believe that our 'elected officials' are the "Front Line of Defense" with regard to ANY 'attack on Democracy'.      The irrational Belief, that these officials {offal shills} have our BEST Interests 'in mind' or at the least 'close at hand' is [cynically] Preposterous if not abjectly Ludicrous .   So it is with the Conceit that we are being INTELLIGENTLY Governed, where Intelligence INCLUDES, ongoing Inventory, Industrial Preparedness and  Trajectory Maintenance .   This Intelligence DEMANDS Precision Thinking and Highest Order Rationality .   Oddly (if not FREAKISHLY) this Intelligence MUST BE Responsive to Prevailing Conditions, where Prevailing Conditions is code for the wholesale {catastrophic} REMOVAL of Truth as Primary Basis for Govern-Mentality.   The Present Condition is that of WAR !!   Without this Recognition it is IMPOSSIBLE to impede a(n)  {Invasionary}  Suffering inflicted by an ENEMY whose {Soul} Intent is the  Subjugation  and  Oppression  of  a  Populace  deemed  UNFIT  to  Govern themselves.   Democrat offal-shills have SURRENDERED!  They are calling for US to elect Guarantors of the Constitution - a Constitution that GUARANTEES Protection NOT for the Will of the Majority but Protection  for Extremist Fundamentalists who have PROVEN themselves to be ANTI-DEMOCRACY .   The elected offal-shills DESIRE Individuals whose Inner Values align with Outer Contingency that they may neutralize Anti-Democracy Atrocity and Promote UNIVERSAL Prosperity where Prosperity is the Return to Truth Based Factualism otherwise referred to as Reality.

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