Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Ire Rationality

          The inside of my head, where Mind is suppose-to reside, has been a clusterfuck of Emotion, Ire-Rationality, and Dis-Ease, all vibrating with  {and to} a general despondency and subversive malaise born of doldrums' {dole drums} `Sorrow` .     The War in Ukraine, combined with the {Un} Civil War in my Homeland has embittered me with Cynicism, Contempt, Scorn and both Out and In Rage.  Here now, 'clusterfuck' as most VIOLENT Storm, a Storm that Rages as Cozmic Fury .   The Storm has made Writing a most dire Impossibility because I haven't the Force of Will, to Confront, in a disciplined manner, the Complexities of Human Frailty and Human Fate .   It is 'as if' the only choice laid before me is one between expressing Hideous Ugliness as Planetary Condition, or Romanticizing Optimism the one in which Hope is weaponized to advantage Practical Relief.   

           My Gentle Readers KNOW  what I think of Hope --- yet the continued expression of Misery  (in an Effort to Confront Human Frailty) is both Exhausting and Toxic, both for my Readers and myself as well.  Still, there remains both Obligation and Duty, to my Native Land, my Fellow Citizens and the Sangha to generate "Positive Energy" in its manifold forms, so as to elicit Internal Resolve, that Quality of Determination, with which to withstand the Universe's most heinous Cruelty and to evidence Altruism and Compassion in such a way or manner as to command Life's "Majesty".

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