Wednesday, March 29, 2023

A Call To Charms


                    I've wondered if the   c-h-a   in charisma is in the   c-h-a   in charm .   Problem is, they don't SOUND the same ---but check this out ;   charmisma* .  

          Trump is viewed as a "Snake Charmer" ---[Therefore] his followers are snakes .   My Kung Fu is a Serpent Style --->  Cobra .   It is Legend that the Naga Lord that Protected the Blessed-One-To-Be was a King Serpent .   I have NO 'Problem' with the Serpent who enticed {Seduced} Eve to Eat the Apple from the Knowledge Tree ----None whatsoever .

          Irish Folk-LAW has St. Patrick as the "Pied Piper" of  snakes .   Managing snakes is extraordinarily Possible .   In this I BELIEVE !!!!!

Rock Steady..........Steady az She goze... .



"The Beginning of No Beginnings"

                    I did NOT 'choose' to begin with the Concept of No Beginnings ,  indeed Beginningless Beginnings  REEKS of Taoist Mysticism, a something I SHOULD avoid because most Folks haven never had introduction to Taoism   and consequently Lao Tzu and his Student Chuang Tsu.  No matter... .    You may want to believe that "All things have a Beginning"---- a recondite Echo of "Genesis" .    Mindful Folks ask, "Should {If}  I want Change, where do I begin ?"   ANY Zen Master would respond, "Your question IS the Beginning".  Once you have asked that question you have Changed .

          The Goal of this Project is to guide Folks to a Mental Place of Fortification, and Armament from which the War On Ignorance can be waged .   The Goal is simple enough though hardly straightforward .  I WANT the Good to INFLUENCE  the not-quite-so-Good and Wreckfully* BAD in order to MINIMIZE Civilizational* Decay and Degeneration--- to "hold off"  "Decline and Dissolution" .    

          There is this :  Citizen {Sit Zen} Soldiers .    There is this :  Bodhisattva Warriors .   

           We are living in the 2nd Civil War, a War that has EVERY Ear and Bench Mark of COSMIC Inevitability .   I have contended that the FIRST Civil War NEVER >>>> Ended .    Primal Instincts, one of Self Preservation and one of  the FEAR of the Other have RE- Surfaced as the Ugliness of Human as ANIMAL .  Here now the bereft-ment* of even the most INNOCENT of Courtesies---the Mental Condition whose Stability lies within the POWER of "What-once-was"---a DELUSION within the ILL-Lusion of  "If Only".

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Born to Die


                    Technically, there IS no place to start.  Beginning at the Beginning is pointlessly pointful* in that defining all terms and concepts is NOT helpful, indeed, the very signs and billboards that litter our Path somehow get in the way of the very Views we NEED in order to advance into the Realm of productive Apprehension .    

          Folks Fear Change .   Yet there MAY be just ONE Cosmic Absolute and that One is "Things Change" .  Here it is where Change is the ULTIMATE Characteristic of All Things INCLUDING Human Nature .   If   'Change is Life'   the Fear of Change is the Fear of Life .  I ask you, `How can that be ?`

          The very Physics of the Universe can be expressed by Buddhism's "Arising, Stability, Decline and Dissolution".  It MAY be contended that ALL 'Conditions' adhere to this LAW .  So it is with "The Human Condition" .   

          Dim witted Monks asked the Bless-ed One, "What is the Origin of all things ?"   The Buddha did NOT respond.   His Silence WAS the Answer .   

          Miss Bonnie Raitt ALMOST swoons, "The Luck of the Draw ---Natural Law" .   Here now your Birth as manifestation of such 'Luck', a NATURALITY * of Life, and Here, Life is Evolution .   We are born INTO the Law of Evolution, where Evolution is Cosmic Change.


Monday, March 27, 2023

"Can you spare some Change ?"

                     I'm done here for now .   I headed out to Change The World by doing absolutely NOTHIN*.

          I'm gonna warm-up by searching ONE container where I think my balls may BE .

                                                                 Further Reading :

Tao Te Ching , Lao Tzu :   The I ChingChange, Richard Wilhelm :   Lectures on the I Ching - Constancy and Change, Richard Wilhelm :  How People Change, Dr. Allen Whellis 

Rock Steady........Steady az She goze... .

Recrudescence Happens

                    The "stall" COULD-BE "the place of stymie".  I live in {a} sty-me*.   I stymie myself by THINKING I am the Supreme of the Supreme and that I am GIFTED by the Divine to execute vicious Altruism in the form of 'generative' Universality, meaning, I 'take on' the Role of "Madman of the People" [so] that Others can gain either relief or refreshment from the ponderings* of a careworn Soul gone the way of hardscrabble Industry .     There's this gag. "There's GOLD in then there ILLS".  I'm 'illy', indeed, I'm silly with Illy*.   Here it is where, in the course of daily 'tis + task', Gems and hardcore Jewels are to be discovered by indecent uncoverings* --- the ramp + foley of destruction and disarray .   Here it is where Clearing begets VISION .  Here it is where Vision begets Possibility .  Here it is where Possibility exits the Realm of the Impossible and enters the Realm of Imaginative Creativity .   This now, the Emerald Beyond .  Here it is where Suffering does not nor CAN NOT Exist .  Heaven of Earth---Nirvana within Samsara .   "The wind blows, the grass grows....."     

"I can't find my balls..."

                     I can't find my Lacrosse balls, I mean, I haven't LOOKED for them either, I just WANT their location to be MAGICALLY revealed .  I have no balls .   

          There's this intransitive verb >> 'recrudesce' (pronounced ree-crew-dess with the accent on the last syllable making it ree-crew-DESS).  Its definition :  "to become harsh or raw [crude] ; to break out after a period of latency or relative inactivity ;  to become active again {[as in a disease]}." In a sentence using its form as a noun, `I am in recrudescence.`   Spring is the Time for recrudescence -the signs are everywhere in an ALMOST luxurious display of Impossibility gone the way of {Genetic} Manifest Destiny .  SOMEHOW recrudescence and my Lacrosse balls are INTIMATELY connected, sadly, I don't know how .

          Question :  "Will Locating my Lacrosse balls CHANGE my Lyphe* ?" ---  I mean, is finding my balls gonna ALTER my Lyphe's Trajectory ???   Tw o wirds*  YES !!!   Will finding a solution to AmeriKKKan* Civil Dys-Abilities* CHANGE my Lyphe and as a result the WORLD ???  Uhhhhhhhh ...

          As an American Citizen I MUST meet my Civil Responsibilities, Obligations and DUTIES among these Such is the one of Upholding The Constitutionalism of Democractic Absolutes -roughly hewn as "The Pursuit of Happiness" the Pursuit of Liberty and the Pursuit of Lyphe".   GENERALLY these "Pillars" are foundationed* upon Election-ality*---by voting we strengthen the foundation and stability of the Pillars .

          However, in these Hard Times, mere and callus Voting is NOT 'enough' to ensure let alone GUARANTEE  that  the  Democratic  Absolutes  are  FREE  from   corruption, decay  and degeneration .  We MUST ask MORE of ourselves and of OTHERS if Security is to be established and PROPERLY Maintained .  HOW do we do this ?   Tw o wirds =  CHANGE .


Hula Hoopla

                     I'm almost TW O* months 'up' on Spring `decorations`, the Hula Hoops hang off the deck, plastic pots pock-mark the property---I do this to entice the Growing Spirits with the Promise of Perfection, that I WILL assist Them in Their Efforts to manifest Primal Normality to {the} Flora and the Agrinomical* -- the Turf and Moss of dinosaur trail .   Green does as Green IS-each blade a Flag of self Importance -- a Flag of "I'm CONTRIBUTING"---a Flag of "I'm doing my Part by being ME" .   

          I 'make-believe' I know what I'm doing ... .  I KNOW I can "Fake it 'til I make it" and to be bold and crass, I'm EXTREMELY ---> GOOD at that kind of Delusion .   Here it is where the "E-Z" is executed with flawless "No Mind" Deliberance* .   Leaves and storm debris are NO MATCH for "Deliberative Measures", the "Triage" of  Primary, Secondary and Tertiary {and sometimes LAME} Pro-Sumptions*.   Here now the Activity of Clearing, the execution of Obligation, the DUTY of Clear Mind which results in "STAND CLEAR" Visual Resonance {Reason Ance}.   Here it is where ORDER is the Necessity of each and every Location IF Efficiency and Simplicity are to be Effected .   This THIS is the "At-A-Glance" Recognition that penetrates the once chaotic Dys-semetry* of Mother Nature's "Square-Inch Farming" .

          Reduced to its Essence  =  "A place fore* everything, everything in its place".  

Season of the Switch

                     I've been in a stall, pun intended .   The stall is a space of confinement, a confinement defined by cynicism, absurdity and grotesque rationalities* that obligate reality to conform to a vicious cycle of unremitting horror .   I chose to exit this stall with the expectation of scholarly `deliverance`, a one of trusted intellectual reconnoiter, a one of soothing Sanctity .    Outdoors, the World 'ends' .  Outdoors is the Nature of Nature ,  Spring breezes, the cold sting of Winter's fingers rasping one's face,  the sound of brazen Sparrows, Cardinals and Blue-birds---in the distance the "Caw, Caw, Caw" of the call to Enlightenment given by Tengu Masters, ever Vigilant--- to reward Spiritual Industry ~~~~~~~~~~ .

          The Myriad Creatures 'collect', the flora straining to fite* + bite through a once frozen crust, the IMPOSSIBLE Something -- executed with BroadSword* flourish and Scalpel precision ~~~~~~~~~~ .

          Spring as Awakening --- the Growing Spirits reentering the Soil  to jostle and Kiss the Sleeping ---Their Voices gentling calling, "Time to do the Impossible"---"Time to be your Self"..."Time to change".

          And there "IT" is, I mean RITE*-THERE.  "Doing the Impossible" is the Natural Course of Thyngs* and People .  Doing the Impossible is "Nature's Way".  It CAN be said, and I WILL say it, "Nature's Way IS "the Human Condition"--therefore, "Doing the Impossible" IS "the Human Condition".

          Impossible --->  I'm Possible .

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

The Yanks are slummin'

                    Democracy MAY 'Define' itself by its Institutions .  The Institution of Public Education is one such .   DeSantis's Attack on this Institution SHOULD HAVE aroused IMMEDIATE Outrage by the Educative Elite and INSTANTANEOUS Action should have been delivered in the forms first of  {Dia-Tribal*} Rebuttal and second in some form of {Pro-Freedom} Sanction.   DeSantis SHOULD-HAVE Been Publicly DENOUNCED as a Fascist MADMAN whose Maniacal Ambitions not only THREATEN Constitutional Sanctity but  Academic Solvency as well .   Instead, "Free Speech" foundationed* DeSantis's Political War Plan .   THIS is just ONE of the Genetic Flaws [of] which I have identified .   Make no mistake --- Free Speech  Allowed trump to exhort HIS "Troops" to SUCCESSFULLY Overthrow ALL the Political Institutions of Democracy with "BLITZKRIEG" Lightning .  

          Trump's Success BRED DeSantis's War Child , a Child now "Coming of Age"  .     

Dead Man talking ...

                     The "Face" of "Global Democracy" is NOT Joe Biden, it is Volo Zelenskyy .   Joe Biden IS the "Face" of a desperately aging Democracy-- the Face of a Cadaver whose decomposition is Proof of Genetic Inferiority .   Make no mistake here, Athens and Rome `fell` to the that Same Genetic Predetermination .   Democracy left unattended will degrade into its predecessor with DeEvolutionary Certitude .  Look at Greece -- Look at Italy .   

          It doesn't "look good" for Joe and his Democracy ---the Banking Scandals and Public Bailouts {DESPITE what Joe says} along with the Justice System's grotesque `Malfeasance` with regard to Jan. 6, have actually PROMOTED Division-ridden Insensitivites* to abound through {as a result of} garrulous Intention .   Neo-Confederate FASCISTS are treated as EQUALS by dumbocrats* whose listless surveillance of Political Perversions harbingers CATASTROPHE  in the 2024 Elections .   


Wednesday, March 15, 2023

"I" Land


                    Please forgive an old man---my eyes are tiring .   

          I am hard-pressed to understand WHY the Media hasn't tagged the War In Ukraine as the AMERICAN 2nd Revolutionary War .   THEIR Democracy is newly Born albeit under DEPLORABLE Conditions.  It is what it is .

          DeSantis accuses the Woke of spreading MISERY .   He and his do not want to FEEL "Bad" about American Slavery Capitalism and its Confluence of Human Atrocities that Resulted in the Deaths of 637,000 Individuals, Zealots all .

           Misery in this Context MUST be supplanted by Truth if DeSantis is to be Opposed .  As far as DeSantis is concerned, Truth is of NO Value in HIS Universe, a Universe that rejects Honesty and WORSHIPS Guile .   In HIS Universe there can be no Sin .

Rock Steady........Steady az She goze ... .




                     Know this :   DeSantis IS Putin .   They have the SAME Mind--a Mind that 'Serves' ONLY its Self .    DeSantis `operates` within a Dynamic {Charisma} that cloaks his {Wolf's} Mania with FEIGNED Political Altruism .   He stub-borns* that HE is the CHAMPION Of The Woke Haters, that HE speaks as Woke Hater  Voice,,  he GUARANTEES their "Protection" !!!    {Not Savior but Conqueror} .  {Not General but WAR-LORD}.   

          DeSantis's "Culture" War  befits a `Genius of the Dark Arts` .    He is able to activate Primal Insecurities that 'present' as Zombie-atic Degeneracy .   Recall Trump and the Pied Piper both of whom also generated Dark Arts Mastery .   We recognize Dark Arts Mastery by its Weaponization of Fear .   Trump's RE-Iteration of Nation-As-Hell DEFINES DeSantis's "World View" .    

          DeSantis's World View does NOT include ANY consideration of Evolution but of Creationism ONLY .   Therefore HIS "War On Woke" is in HIS Reality, Acts Of Creation ~~~he wants to Create a Universe for the UnWoke .   Here it is where "God" is returned to Old Testament {Deliverance} .   

          Sin and Sensation =  Sinsation*

          DeSantis is sinsational .

Things Go Better With Woke

                     Here's a segment of the Cosmic Round.  We "go to sleep" [and then] we "wake up".  Slumber 'leads to' Awakening ---UnConscious Activity 'leads to' Conscious Activity .  Isolated :  We AWAKEN from slumber .    

          To be "Opposed" to "Woke" MEANS to be Opposed to `Conscious Activity` .   DeSantis is no Idiot, quite the Opposite {I'm afraid}.   Indeed his "War On Woke" is feverish Mental Illness with which he seeks to infect OUR Nation , check that,, with which he HAS infected our "Collective".   His maniacal Diabolicism* INSISTS on a Return to the "Aura" of  the Antebellum South and the Spread of Feudal Capitalism as Governmental Ideology .   Here it is where "Serfs" are to be denied Education and taxed into Poverty .   Here it is where King is God .

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

The King is Dread

                     Inevitably Beauty "leads to" Ugliness, Ugliness leads to Beauty .   It is no less for Purity and also for Truth .   Apparently, Each resides in the Other .  The Second Law of the Principle of Evolution  "Each resides in the Other".  

          Elsewhere I have assigned 'End Times' Orthodoxy as THE Main Characteristic of Present Day National ConsciousNess*.   The Ascent of Trumpism, the 'Over-run' of the Capitol Buildings and Take-Over of the House of Representatives FOGHORNS End Times  >>>      Insolvency .    

          Democracy is Dead .

          It's USELESS to attempt Resuscitation --- Democracy has PROVEN its FLAWS ---it awaits the Fate of Extinction .    

          ...........................But what of Capitalism ?????


Sounds like Round

                     We can safely define Perfection as the Fulfillment of Everyone's Necessities as well as Their Wants and Desires .    Pop-Culture Complaints have registered,  "Heaven is BORING".    You "gotta" ask, What happens after "Heaven" ?   

          Here's the Zen Answer .   "The 10,000 Things Return to the ONE, the One Returns to the 10,000 Things".   

          "Round and round and round we go, where we stop, nobody knows".

          Mythologists refer to 'this' as the "Cosmic Round" --- We know it from the passing of seasons, and even more Obvious, from the `passage`of  Day into Night, Night into Day---- .

          Technically, the Cosmic Round is not just a Description but a "Something" that is also Formulaic in Value .   There MAY be a "First Law" of The Principle of Evolution, and that First Law MAY BE  "Things Change" .   Galaxies are born and Galaxies die -----Galaxies are REBORN to die "once" again .

          Bonnie Raitt swoons,"It ain't the meat, it's the motion" .

Miss Tury


                    Never underestimate Shame and Guilt---they have driven me here .  I have been away--FAR Away ---running running running---Fearing the Worst ,,  deploring Its Machination(s).    I tell myself, "Try NOT to break from your own Code"~~~ and yet~~~and Yet ... .

          At some point {during Yesterday} I realized I needed to establish some sort of "End Point" that would "act" as >Goal< .  I've been resisting that process because "Goal" is used in Games, Sports and the like, and it lessens {lessons} the Severity {and VALUE} of `Final Determination` .    Specifically, `What is the Goal of Evolution ?`   The Goal of Evolution is   Perfection   a Divine State where "Better" is no longer possible because All Beings and All Things have reached their Ultimate .     Evolution begets Utopia .   Evolution DEMANDS Perfection--WHY this is so is a Cosmic Mystery --It should be . 


Saturday, March 11, 2023

Miss Align

                     I'm gonna leave this here.  I had planned a whole "The Micro-Verse IS the Macro-Verse" tablet, but .............................................................. .

         We all want Peace, Peace of Mind, Peace of Heart, Peace of Soul and Peace of Body .   Getting It is one thing KEEPING it is something Else .   

          If you cannot fine Peace in the simplest of even minor tasks-- You are in SERIOUS Trouble.

Rock Steady.........Steady az She goze ....

Miss B. Gahtin

                     When I return this Kozmyq schyte* {shit} to Earth what we find are the Solved of  "Mystery upon Mystery--the Gateway to the Manifold Secrets".   Here, the Mystery of "I draw water, I carry wood" is revealed as Formula.  Here, simple daily tasks [or CHORES  as some pique] are seen KOZMYQ-ly for what they REALLY Are --- Rituals of "I" Dentification* that "act" as Earth-Heaven 'Connections'.   The Formula can [and Should] be applied to Enhance Reality,, there to generate the Mind of  Kozmyq ConsciousNess*--the one where ALL tasks and chores are stripped of combative 'trudge' and Depth Spirituality is Experienced as "No Mind" Neutrality .   

          Cleanliness is NOT just "Next to" Godliness---Cleanliness IS Godly-Ness* .   Believe It .

Miss Represent

                     There is a Sublimity to, "All of the Universe Un-Veils* Itself to me".   Here, the Doobie Brothers are not alone, Santana and his proclaim, "Nature's Dance just for me".   Here, "Industry" is laden with Secrets, Secrets that can be gained ONLY by Dedication, Conviction, Faith and Perseverance .   It is the `Same` with Sword Training, wherein Repetition 'bestows' Power to the Adept as well as the Secrets mentioned above.   Here, "No Mind" is GREAT Mind---the Attainment and RE-Tainment* of No Mind releases a Kozmyq* Receptivity, the one that 'becomes' OPEN to Wisdom at it transitions from Knowledge .   Here it is where Common Sense finds Profundity in the INSANELY Obvious ----For example :  "Take a sweater, you can always take it off if it gets to warm".   Again, in Colloquial Form :  "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure".   

          It is imperative for me to make certain You know the Source of Inspiration---it is none-other than the Ancient Kung Fu Order that is {my} Chogye Order Lineage.    These Ancients first Observed than Meditated upon the various Animals in order to "Divine" their distinct Combat Effective-Ness* which they then `Translated` to Human Physicality .   This was not done "Over-Night" but 'over' YEARS .   Here it is where 'Observation' MUST-BE bound to 'Investigation' and further to 'Exploration'.   Truths are sometimes cloaked in happenstance clusterfucks* that seek to deter abject willingness from gaining its rightful position of 'Intent'.   In short, the Universe GUARDS Its Secrets .

Miss Ann Thrope


                   Miss Ann Thrope arrived the other day.  I didn't know what to do with her---hence the title for this blog.  

          Answers  to  questions  I  asked  YEARS  ago  have  arrived  and  ARE  arriving  at  a  frenetic pace .   My only guess is that their origin is somewhere in DEEEEEEEEEEEP Space from a Galaxy Far FAR  Away.  It may be a seriousNess* that Miss Take offers Relief NOT from the Milky Way but OUTSIDE our Galaxy ---even from, perhaps, MY Galaxy,,,  the Crab Nebula.  {...why Im crabby all the time...} .

          I have made Effort to vibrate with the Incoming---The Search for Intra-Terrestrial Secrets has been my Passion, a Passion founded upon what I suspect to be Primal Latency of Rock and Stone Wisdom that provides a {Psycho-Visual} Harmonic that e-x--t---e----n-----d------s passed [and through] Aesthetic Transcendence and into the Realm of the "Emerald Beyond" .   

          The "Emerald Beyond" is where "Birds of Fire"  "Wing the Infinite".