Monday, March 27, 2023

Season of the Switch

                     I've been in a stall, pun intended .   The stall is a space of confinement, a confinement defined by cynicism, absurdity and grotesque rationalities* that obligate reality to conform to a vicious cycle of unremitting horror .   I chose to exit this stall with the expectation of scholarly `deliverance`, a one of trusted intellectual reconnoiter, a one of soothing Sanctity .    Outdoors, the World 'ends' .  Outdoors is the Nature of Nature ,  Spring breezes, the cold sting of Winter's fingers rasping one's face,  the sound of brazen Sparrows, Cardinals and Blue-birds---in the distance the "Caw, Caw, Caw" of the call to Enlightenment given by Tengu Masters, ever Vigilant--- to reward Spiritual Industry ~~~~~~~~~~ .

          The Myriad Creatures 'collect', the flora straining to fite* + bite through a once frozen crust, the IMPOSSIBLE Something -- executed with BroadSword* flourish and Scalpel precision ~~~~~~~~~~ .

          Spring as Awakening --- the Growing Spirits reentering the Soil  to jostle and Kiss the Sleeping ---Their Voices gentling calling, "Time to do the Impossible"---"Time to be your Self"..."Time to change".

          And there "IT" is, I mean RITE*-THERE.  "Doing the Impossible" is the Natural Course of Thyngs* and People .  Doing the Impossible is "Nature's Way".  It CAN be said, and I WILL say it, "Nature's Way IS "the Human Condition"--therefore, "Doing the Impossible" IS "the Human Condition".

          Impossible --->  I'm Possible .

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