Tuesday, March 14, 2023

The King is Dread

                     Inevitably Beauty "leads to" Ugliness, Ugliness leads to Beauty .   It is no less for Purity and also for Truth .   Apparently, Each resides in the Other .  The Second Law of the Principle of Evolution  "Each resides in the Other".  

          Elsewhere I have assigned 'End Times' Orthodoxy as THE Main Characteristic of Present Day National ConsciousNess*.   The Ascent of Trumpism, the 'Over-run' of the Capitol Buildings and Take-Over of the House of Representatives FOGHORNS End Times  >>>      Insolvency .    

          Democracy is Dead .

          It's USELESS to attempt Resuscitation --- Democracy has PROVEN its FLAWS ---it awaits the Fate of Extinction .    

          ...........................But what of Capitalism ?????


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