Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Born to Die


                    Technically, there IS no place to start.  Beginning at the Beginning is pointlessly pointful* in that defining all terms and concepts is NOT helpful, indeed, the very signs and billboards that litter our Path somehow get in the way of the very Views we NEED in order to advance into the Realm of productive Apprehension .    

          Folks Fear Change .   Yet there MAY be just ONE Cosmic Absolute and that One is "Things Change" .  Here it is where Change is the ULTIMATE Characteristic of All Things INCLUDING Human Nature .   If   'Change is Life'   the Fear of Change is the Fear of Life .  I ask you, `How can that be ?`

          The very Physics of the Universe can be expressed by Buddhism's "Arising, Stability, Decline and Dissolution".  It MAY be contended that ALL 'Conditions' adhere to this LAW .  So it is with "The Human Condition" .   

          Dim witted Monks asked the Bless-ed One, "What is the Origin of all things ?"   The Buddha did NOT respond.   His Silence WAS the Answer .   

          Miss Bonnie Raitt ALMOST swoons, "The Luck of the Draw ---Natural Law" .   Here now your Birth as manifestation of such 'Luck', a NATURALITY * of Life, and Here, Life is Evolution .   We are born INTO the Law of Evolution, where Evolution is Cosmic Change.


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