Monday, March 27, 2023

Hula Hoopla

                     I'm almost TW O* months 'up' on Spring `decorations`, the Hula Hoops hang off the deck, plastic pots pock-mark the property---I do this to entice the Growing Spirits with the Promise of Perfection, that I WILL assist Them in Their Efforts to manifest Primal Normality to {the} Flora and the Agrinomical* -- the Turf and Moss of dinosaur trail .   Green does as Green IS-each blade a Flag of self Importance -- a Flag of "I'm CONTRIBUTING"---a Flag of "I'm doing my Part by being ME" .   

          I 'make-believe' I know what I'm doing ... .  I KNOW I can "Fake it 'til I make it" and to be bold and crass, I'm EXTREMELY ---> GOOD at that kind of Delusion .   Here it is where the "E-Z" is executed with flawless "No Mind" Deliberance* .   Leaves and storm debris are NO MATCH for "Deliberative Measures", the "Triage" of  Primary, Secondary and Tertiary {and sometimes LAME} Pro-Sumptions*.   Here now the Activity of Clearing, the execution of Obligation, the DUTY of Clear Mind which results in "STAND CLEAR" Visual Resonance {Reason Ance}.   Here it is where ORDER is the Necessity of each and every Location IF Efficiency and Simplicity are to be Effected .   This THIS is the "At-A-Glance" Recognition that penetrates the once chaotic Dys-semetry* of Mother Nature's "Square-Inch Farming" .

          Reduced to its Essence  =  "A place fore* everything, everything in its place".  

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