Monday, March 27, 2023

"I can't find my balls..."

                     I can't find my Lacrosse balls, I mean, I haven't LOOKED for them either, I just WANT their location to be MAGICALLY revealed .  I have no balls .   

          There's this intransitive verb >> 'recrudesce' (pronounced ree-crew-dess with the accent on the last syllable making it ree-crew-DESS).  Its definition :  "to become harsh or raw [crude] ; to break out after a period of latency or relative inactivity ;  to become active again {[as in a disease]}." In a sentence using its form as a noun, `I am in recrudescence.`   Spring is the Time for recrudescence -the signs are everywhere in an ALMOST luxurious display of Impossibility gone the way of {Genetic} Manifest Destiny .  SOMEHOW recrudescence and my Lacrosse balls are INTIMATELY connected, sadly, I don't know how .

          Question :  "Will Locating my Lacrosse balls CHANGE my Lyphe* ?" ---  I mean, is finding my balls gonna ALTER my Lyphe's Trajectory ???   Tw o wirds*  YES !!!   Will finding a solution to AmeriKKKan* Civil Dys-Abilities* CHANGE my Lyphe and as a result the WORLD ???  Uhhhhhhhh ...

          As an American Citizen I MUST meet my Civil Responsibilities, Obligations and DUTIES among these Such is the one of Upholding The Constitutionalism of Democractic Absolutes -roughly hewn as "The Pursuit of Happiness" the Pursuit of Liberty and the Pursuit of Lyphe".   GENERALLY these "Pillars" are foundationed* upon Election-ality*---by voting we strengthen the foundation and stability of the Pillars .

          However, in these Hard Times, mere and callus Voting is NOT 'enough' to ensure let alone GUARANTEE  that  the  Democratic  Absolutes  are  FREE  from   corruption, decay  and degeneration .  We MUST ask MORE of ourselves and of OTHERS if Security is to be established and PROPERLY Maintained .  HOW do we do this ?   Tw o wirds =  CHANGE .


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