Wednesday, March 29, 2023

"The Beginning of No Beginnings"

                    I did NOT 'choose' to begin with the Concept of No Beginnings ,  indeed Beginningless Beginnings  REEKS of Taoist Mysticism, a something I SHOULD avoid because most Folks haven never had introduction to Taoism   and consequently Lao Tzu and his Student Chuang Tsu.  No matter... .    You may want to believe that "All things have a Beginning"---- a recondite Echo of "Genesis" .    Mindful Folks ask, "Should {If}  I want Change, where do I begin ?"   ANY Zen Master would respond, "Your question IS the Beginning".  Once you have asked that question you have Changed .

          The Goal of this Project is to guide Folks to a Mental Place of Fortification, and Armament from which the War On Ignorance can be waged .   The Goal is simple enough though hardly straightforward .  I WANT the Good to INFLUENCE  the not-quite-so-Good and Wreckfully* BAD in order to MINIMIZE Civilizational* Decay and Degeneration--- to "hold off"  "Decline and Dissolution" .    

          There is this :  Citizen {Sit Zen} Soldiers .    There is this :  Bodhisattva Warriors .   

           We are living in the 2nd Civil War, a War that has EVERY Ear and Bench Mark of COSMIC Inevitability .   I have contended that the FIRST Civil War NEVER >>>> Ended .    Primal Instincts, one of Self Preservation and one of  the FEAR of the Other have RE- Surfaced as the Ugliness of Human as ANIMAL .  Here now the bereft-ment* of even the most INNOCENT of Courtesies---the Mental Condition whose Stability lies within the POWER of "What-once-was"---a DELUSION within the ILL-Lusion of  "If Only".

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