Saturday, March 11, 2023

Miss B. Gahtin

                     When I return this Kozmyq schyte* {shit} to Earth what we find are the Solved of  "Mystery upon Mystery--the Gateway to the Manifold Secrets".   Here, the Mystery of "I draw water, I carry wood" is revealed as Formula.  Here, simple daily tasks [or CHORES  as some pique] are seen KOZMYQ-ly for what they REALLY Are --- Rituals of "I" Dentification* that "act" as Earth-Heaven 'Connections'.   The Formula can [and Should] be applied to Enhance Reality,, there to generate the Mind of  Kozmyq ConsciousNess*--the one where ALL tasks and chores are stripped of combative 'trudge' and Depth Spirituality is Experienced as "No Mind" Neutrality .   

          Cleanliness is NOT just "Next to" Godliness---Cleanliness IS Godly-Ness* .   Believe It .

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